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Monthly Channeled Message - July 2024

Channeled message from Renee for July 2024 about expression, reflection, and releasing the past

Read the Entire Channeled Message:

I'm seeing balloons of pastel pinks and oranges popping everywhere; there's a release of "built up expectations" occurring. This month you're being called to shed those societal barriers and burdens to embrace true freedom of expression. The next image is of you holding a bullhorn, making a ton of noise, elevating your voice and its reach. The expression required for this next level of growth involves speaking with significant conviction. At times this outspokenness may cause you to even shock yourself because this expanded version of you feels so completely new. Equate it to turning to a new chapter in a book and the main character has revealed an alter ego that the reader isn't aware of!

The scene dramatically shifts to shuffling water in a shallow pan. Suddenly, you reach down for the contents it swallows your entire arm! If you so choose, you can dive fully into it, much like entering another realm. It's not actually water, rather weightlessness. Think back to the balloons from the initial image, but again, this is another version of you stepping to the forefront. Suspended in this space you see shooting stars in the distance and begin "swimming" towards them.

Yet another abrupt visual change shows me a close-up of a large colorful fish flipping its fins in water. The phrase "replacement of your reflection" signals that you're working hard but it may feel like you're treading water. After all, the fish isn't moving forward (plus the water is totally still), and if you look at your reflection you'll see you've got a cord wrapped around your back flipper holding you in place. Take inventory of which behaviors you engage in that are depleting, keeping you from moving towards your dream manifestations, and linked to the past. Try journaling with your inner child or doing mirror work (e.g., each morning say "I love you," "you are beautiful, clever, and powerful," etc.). These spiritual exercises will stir up insights within your soul. From here you'll learn which behavior(s) to change in order to cut that cord for release, finally allowing you to propel forward.


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