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Why Natal Astrology Readings?

In a Read by Renee astrology reading, you can access knowledge from the stars and planets in simple terms. Get ready for the astro jargon to finally be decoded! We'll talk through the basics and ensure you leave our sessions together with greater clarity around astrological concepts. These natal readings build upon each other, in a learning series, so you'll expand your general knowledge of astrology on top of understanding your personal and/or business birth chart(s).

Natal Astrology

Wait, what even is Natal Astrology though? Let's backtrack and define this branch of astrology before jumping into more of the benefits. Astrology means "the study of the stars," while Natal Astrology refers to the snapshot of the sky at the moment and location you were born. In other words, a celestial study of your birth! Astrologers have studied Natal Charts for thousands of years (yes really!) across multiple continents and cultures. All of those centuries ago, ancient astrologers tracked correlations between societal and ecological patterns and the constellations and planets within our solar system. They mapped archetypes (i.e., traits & themes) on to these celestial bodies, in addition to their measurable distances and relationships to each other in the sky. This knowledge base was used to conceptualize Natal Charts as an energetic blueprint for an individual's lifetime.

Fate Versus Free Will

If the idea of the organization of planets and stars causing xyz to happen or determining the way you exist in bothers you, fret not! Correlation is distinct from causation. Mercury being in retrograde does not cause anything! Rather, the field of Astrology focuses on tracking patterns in the sky versus patterns in our lived experiences on Earth. How you choose to engage with Astrology is up to you! Knowledge can empower to authentic action or alternatively trigger overwhelm and indecision, depending on the individual. In the context of a Read by Renee session, Astrology is simply a self-discovery tool that can be turned to for guidance. Natal Charts overall, as well as their individual components (i.e., Signs, Houses, Planets), inherently contain both high and low vibrational energies. They're similar to the premise behind psychic readings, where we always strive to align with the vibration of our highest self.

Benefits of a Natal Astrology Reading

Now back to the good stuff – let's review why Natal Astrology has withstood the test of time and so many people still study their Birth Chart! This snapshot of the sky captures countless insights. With a Natal Chart reading, you'll certainly be surprised at the depth of archetypes and nuanced storytelling. These insights can trigger aha moments, realizations of many Why's in your life: Why does this keep happening to me? Why do I keep attracting these people into my life? Why can't I seem to break that dysfunctional habit? And the list goes on!

Your Natal Chart contains truths about beliefs you hold, behavioral tendencies, personal history, obstacles, and more. Having someone (esp. an Astrologer who doesn't know your biography) share these details feels incredibly validating. You feel truly seen and understood, even by a total stranger! Further, the information ingrained in your chart signifies lessons and wounds to decode and heal within this lifetime. Essentially, you're being handed a map with routes to walk, potholes to dodge, and a storyline to unpack.

Business Astrology

Did you know that your business has its own Natal Chart too? Think about it – there's an exact date, time, and location your company came to fruition. Those details can be used to create a unique birth chart. Not only do you enter the world with a cosmic blueprint, but so does your business! Natal Chart readings can uncover the same insights for your company as a personal chart, such as: purpose, dysfunctional patterns, communication style, growth needs, and more. Consider the value of understanding the energetics of your business (i.e., your partner in career success), in addition to your own energetics! Are you in sync or need realignment? Which blocks are you encountering with sales promotion? How may upcoming transits activate your chart this year?

Eager to self-discover for healing insights? Try an Astrology Reading!

Exploration through the lens of Astrology starts with a little bit of stargazing. However, looking up and deciphering patterns is no small feat for the untrained eye! There are hundreds of methods for interpreting a Natal Chart, even without factoring in the individual style and philosophies of an Astrologer. Let's decode your cosmic blueprint(s) together! Each Natal Astrology session with Read by Renee uncovers additional layers and supports you to see the big picture and details, in metaphysical harmony. I'd be honored if you select me as your guide through the darkness and along the moonlit path forward!

Read by Renee now offers Natal Astrology readings to illuminate lessons, insights, and obstacles. These readings guide you on the moonlit path forward.


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