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Fall 2024 Eclipse Season

It's officially eclipse season! The Fall 2024 Eclipse portal opened with September 2nd's New Moon in Virgo and will close with October 17th's Full Moon in Aries. Let's break down what this all means, shall we? Note: for a basic overview of eclipses (and a refresh of the Spring 2024 Eclipse Season), check out the Synergy to Synastry Transcript on this very topic, or listen to the episode!

Lunar Nodes & Eclipses

What's special about this particular eclipse season is it's beginning the transition from the Aries-Libra to Pisces-Virgo Axis. Think of it as a preview of the next eclipse cycle, which formally runs from 2025 through 2026. The zodiac signs that eclipses occur in are determined by the location of the Lunar Nodes (i.e., calculated points where the Moon's orbit intersects with the Sun's ecliptic path). For some perspective, it takes around 18 years for the Nodes to travel 360º around the Earth. In astrological terms, the North Node of the Moon (i.e., representing the archetype of Purpose) will enter Pisces and South Node (i.e., Past Life Karma) will transit into the sign of Virgo.

Check your Birth Chart to see where the Lunar Nodes were at the time of your birth. If yours match this next cycle then you're entering what's called a Nodal Return. If you've got the opposite (i.e., South Node in Pisces and North Node in Virgo), then you'll be in your Reverse Nodal Return. The latter is an opportunity to resolve and heal the area(s) of life where Pisces resides in your chart, embracing the qualities of Virgo and focusing your energy in that area(s). The Nodal Return syncs with the eclipse season, where you shed habits and tendencies of the Virgo archetype and associated House(s). You're moving towards your greatest potential and out of your comfort zone by means of the Piscean areas of your life. If you're not entering any sort of Nodal Return (neither am I!) or all of that went entirely over your head (don't worry!), there's still plenty to take away from eclipses...

Fall 2024 Eclipse Season Summary

This season, we'll be experiencing a Lunar and then Solar eclipse. The order of these pairs varies each season depending on where the Nodes align. The Lunar eclipse will be partial (i.e., Sun covers part of the Moon) as will the Solar one (i.e., Moon covers part of the Sun because they're so far apart – hence the use of "annular"). September's eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces will occur at 10:35pm EST and asks the collective to embrace a dreamy and expansive mindset, healing methodologies, and sensitivity, in addition to facing discomfort rather than leaning into escapism. October's eclipse will take place at 10 degrees of Libra at 2:49pm EST, urging everyone to shed unhealthy relationships, people-pleasing, and co-dependence, while connecting to a newfound sense of self.

Fall 2023 Eclipse details for partial lunar eclipse in pisces and annular eclipse in libra

Working With Eclipses

Next, we'll dig into these phenomena in more detail and identify how they may energetically impact you! There are a few means of interpretation: Option 1 is by Sign (see the previous section and graphic), Option 2 is by House, and Option 3 is by Degree. Given how advanced Option 3 is, and how intrinsically based on your personal chart, we can't delve into that via a blog post. However, I've listed the relevant degrees (see table below); if you've got planets and points in those ranges, then these eclipses may really shake things up! We can (and will!) absolutely cover Option 2, within in the next two sections.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Solar Eclipse in Libra

21-30º of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius

5-15º of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

0-1º of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Interpreting the historic and potential future manifestations of eclipse energy by House is a fascinating exercise. You'll want to look back at the previous eclipses in this area of your chart to give yourself a sense of what may be in store going forward. There is nuance for each House, so this does not mean that every time an eclipse happens in your 5th that you'll have a child. Below are the eclipses (not limited to just Lunar) for Pisces-Virgo from the last several decades. The reverses represent times when Pisces contained the South Node, which is the opposite of the upcoming cycle.

  • Reverse: Nov 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017

  • Jun 23, 2006 – Dec 18, 2007

  • Reverse: Jan 26, 1997 – Oct 20, 1998

  • Dec 3, 1987 – May 22, 1989

To model the interpretation process, I'll walk through events that happened in my life during each cycle! Pisces represents my 9th House of long-distance travel, education, teaching, spirituality, and astrology. Starting with the 90s (because I wasn't alive in 1989), I began day care during that first cycle. In the 2006-2007 iteration, I finished my first year of middle school, traveled to DC for a family vacation, took my first yoga class, and certainly began having intuitive experiences. For 2015-2017, I graduated college and studied for the GREs. There's a clear link for me with education, in addition to other 9th House themes cropping up. And this is all based on what I happen to remember in retrospect. Hence the benefit of keeping a log going forward!

Solar Eclipse in Libra

Moving on to the Aries-Libra axis, we can pull from this past year and present day for especially recent experiences. Here's the list of the last several eclipse cycles, where the reverses capture times when the North Node was in Libra:

  • Jul 18, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025

  • Reverse: Feb 19, 2014 – Nov 11, 2015

  • Dec 27, 2004 – Jun 22, 2006

  • Reverse: Aug 1, 1995 – Jan 25, 1997

  • Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987

Libra is linked up with my 4th House of family, home, caregivers, foundations, and ancestry. Between 1995-1997, my family moved into what became my childhood home. I'm not quite certain of the connection for 2004-2006 (it happens!) because off-the-cuff the only events I know of for sure in that window are graduating elementary school and getting braces haha. It's likely that I'm missing something simply because I was 10-12yo at the time. In contrast, 2014-2015 is very clearly my parents' divorce and moving out of my childhood home to a new town. Interesting how both reversals corresponded with a major relocation, right? Lastly, for the current cycle, I've experienced death, illness, and health issues in my immediate and extended family.

Now What?

Consider what patterns emerge as you complete this exercise, and please do share in the comments or reach out to me! With this information in hand you can mentally prepare for some archetypal possibilities or even lean into them and follow that energy. Just remember, eclipses (and any other astrological transits) do not actually cause anything one-to-one within your life. You can leverage this divination tool to essentially check the astroweather. Any decisions about what you'd like to do with that energetic forecast are entirely up to you!


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