Astrology buffs out there know the 2024 Saturn Retrograde cycle has officially begun! Just like last year, it's transiting through the zodiac sign of Pisces. Individuals with a natal Saturn in Pisces placement (like me!) will likely feel the Saturn Retrogrades more powerfully than the average person. The exception of course are people who have multiple Pisces placements – I fall into both categories. Saturn just stationed retrograde on June 29th and will continue on that trajectory until November 15th, so I thought why not reflect on the 2023 round to extract some lessons?
Saturn Retrograde vs Return
Since March of 2023, I've been in the astrological milestone period known as a Saturn Return, which we discussed briefly in the first Synergy to Synastry Listener episode released last month! During this 2 year (and change) period of time, ending in May of 2025, everyone with Saturn in Pisces in their natal birth chart is expected to undergo major life changes. We're only 15 months into the process, and I can already 100% validate that for my own life! Retrogrades on the other hand are when planets appear to be moving backwards in the sky. FYI planets in retrograde aren't actually moving in reverse, rather it's an illusion from the earthly perspective due to primary versus secondary motion (i.e., nerdy stuff). These retrograde periods get a bad reputation, but are actually crucial times for reflection, realization, and realignment. They occur for each planet in our solar system at their own cadences. For Saturn, this process is annually and for approximately 5 months!
2023 vs 2024 Saturn Rx Overviews
From June 17th to November 4th 2023, Saturn retrograded from 7º back to 0º of Pisces. This year, the planet of constriction will move from 19ª to 12º of the mutable water sign. You can look at each of these small slices in your natal chart for any planets or points that Saturn crosses over (i.e., inflicting its influence!). For more advanced interpretations, try checking out planets or points in other signs aspecting Saturn...

Event Timeline, Journal Reflections & Intuitive Messages
To illustrate the impact of a Saturn Retrograde period, I've scoured my 2023 journal to compile real-life events and both real-time reflections and intuitive messages received during this time. While reading, identify themes that emerge or a potential story arc – I'll be giving my personal analysis after the jump!
June 21st (Summer Solstice): While living abroad I was abruptly told my job would be consolidated (effective 1 month later)
June (EOM): Need to reframe and face my own resistance, leaning into growth in relationships, "you're being prepared and next steps are coming," "remember to connect to something larger," and "remember who you are"
July 14th Dreams for the Future: "Creating something for myself but also others and have an impact that helps, supports, and shines light and kindness." Ideas including a podcast, psyching readings, a book, music, and "not limiting myself."
July 25th-30th (start of Venus Retrograde): ended long-term relationship, returned to US from Europe, and ordered first-ever tarot deck.
July (EOM): Universe & guides pushing towards embracing change, "reboot" of my life, "trusting my choices and that the support is there for me," and to "seek balance and pursue spiritual growth."
August 19th: Purchased and revisited astrology, human design, and intuition learning tools
August (EOM): Need to ground & fill my cup, alignment and revisiting manifestation, exploration of the world, structures, and dynamics.
September 15-23rd: Seattle family vacation
September 25th: started intuition development mentorship
September 39th (Aries Full Moon): "considerations about what I want my future to look like and feeling drawn outside of the corporate world to the creative and spiritual. Knowing I've been scared to be seen and step out into the unknown but this period is training..."
September (EOM): Freedom comes from balancing connection to others with valuing myself, "healing, leveling up, and ascending," and "supported by guides and reminder to ask for help."
October 28th (Taurus Lunar Eclipse): "Choose generosity for & towards myself to create space for blooming," "trust myself to keep growing... and believe in the power of my intuition versus doubting."
October 29th Dreams for the Future: "Untapped creative potential needs to be unleashed," "joy with others in a way that does not hinder balance and nurtures passion, laughter, drive, adventure, growth, and sharing," "freedom from my own design."
October (EOM): Agency in actions & choices and secondary priority of centering tools, support, and evolution. "Support is here and love is on the way."
November (EOM): "Alignment of mind, soul, body, and loved ones," "look for signs of growth for new direction," "release what no longer serves you," and refocus on physical wellness and nutrition.
2023 Saturn Retrograde Analysis
What'd you catch?! From my perspective there was a front-loading of external changes (either within or outside of my control), followed by increasing mindset shifts. By the end of the 5 months I was energetically open, focusing on growth and expansion, as well as the prospects of what could come next in life. There are a ton of 9th House themes of long-distance travel, spirituality, education, and dreams peppered all through that list (notable for me because that's where Pisces sits in my natal chart!). I was particularly struck by creativity emerging consistently. In 2024 I've tapped into more creativity than I have in many many years: I launched & edited an entire podcast, created dozens of promotional graphics, began The Artist's Way Program, collaborated on designing this very website, and more! I inadvertently fulfilled 2023 dreams without even realizing I was doing so.
2024 Saturn Retrograde Pipeline
Now that we've reflected, let's break down what's in the pipeline for the current Saturn Retrograde! I am already (completely unintentionally) revisiting activities from that 2023 list and have scheduled in some pretty on-the-nose 9th House themes, yet again:
On a Podcast recording break, but Christine and I booked a retreat in October to review season 1 and kick off season 2 prep. How perfectly tucked into the Retrograde is that? Plus, our pod has a mega Pisces birth chart, so it's getting its own Saturnean review.
Three long-distance trips on the books, including an international one. 9th House travel just like 2023!
Participating in an intuitive development workshop series led by the same mentor from 2023, with the addition of a secondary practitioner. Is there an echo in here?
Created a to do list (just before the retrograde) to revisit the workshops I purchased last year with the goal of completing the remaining modules before EOY. 1) November 15th is pretty close and 2) quite literally reviewing and tying up loose ends of the 2023 initiatives!
How the 2024 Saturn Retrograde Will Differ
Not all retrogrades are created equal, as highlighted in the infographic above and table below. This year, Saturn is covering different degrees than in 2023. Therefore Saturn will retrace its path from March 18th (depending on your time zone!) to June 29th.
Year | Degrees | Bounds | Meaning | Decans | Meaning |
2023 | 7º to 0º | Venus | Love, Beauty, & Worth | Saturn | Boundaries, Karma, & Responsibility |
2024 | 19º to 12º | Mercury & Jupiter* | Communication & Technology, Luck & Expansion | Jupiter* | Luck & Expansion |
*The ruler of Pisces, which gives extra power to portions of this transit.
Reflect on which events, issues, and ideas emerged during that time then make note if they recur between now and November 15th! These recurrences may be literal or indirect. For example, Pisces is in your 7th House, and you had a particularly rough patch with your spouse or business partner between March 18th and June 19th. The same triggers may occur, and whether y'all work through them in the same way (leading to conflict) or try new methods is up to you! On the indirect side, maybe you experience roadblocks with finalizing your pre-nuptial agreement, your partner undergoes surgery and you act as a caretaker for several months, or you have several breakthroughs in couples therapy that bring you closer together. The possibilities are nearly endless!
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