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Synergy to Synastry: Season 1 Easter Eggs Twilight & Anchorman (Bonus) Podcast Transcript

Welcome to the Twilight & Anchorman Movie Marathon!

Christine: Hey, listener, we hope you're having a great start to the new year.

Christine: We just wanted to jump in your feed to tie up some loose ends from season one before we get started with season two.

Christine: If you remember, we left a quote from Anchorman and Twilight in each of the regular episodes, which are episodes two through , to give you all a chance to kind of pick out the Easter eggs, collect them, send them over to us for a chance to win a free reading.

Christine: Our goal today is to let you know what those quotes were in each of the episodes since the contest is over.

Christine: And I think we did it in a fun way, Renee.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: So what we decided to do was Christine and I sat down together and we watched each other's movies in a little movie marathon.

Renee: And we recorded our real-time reactions to these very entertaining films.

Renee: And then we revealed the answers, all of the quotes by episode that we had included, as well as how many each of us caught in each other's movies, because we did it entirely from memory, so we have scores.

Renee: And then our overall impressions of each other's films.

Renee: We hope you enjoy.

Christine: And we'll see you in March.

Twilight Viewing

Renee: First up in our movie marathon is Twilight.

Christine: Okay, so I know we're only  seconds into the movie.

Christine: But I need clarification.

Christine: So she starts off by saying, I've never given much thought about how I was going to die.

Christine: But dying in the place of someone I love seems whatever.

Renee: That's almost an exact quote, yes.

Christine: Okay, does she mean dying in the physical place, like I live in Washington and dying in that place, or dying like in place of like...

Renee: Instead of.

Christine: Instead of someone.

Renee: So you are dying rather than the person you love dying.

Christine: So she's a hero.

Renee: Yes.

Christine: Okay.

Christine: Sorry, are they very casually and very easily co-parent?

Christine: Oh, my mom wants to go travel the world, so I'm just gonna go spend some time with my dad.

Christine: I don't believe it.

Renee: They haven't established at all, and I don't even know if they do in the movie.

Renee: Why is it that the parents divorced?

Renee: What is their history?

Renee: Like they definitely outline it in the books.

Renee: Do I remember the details?

Renee: No, because I read the books once, and I've seen this movie 20 times.

Christine: Bella's psychic, and here's why.

Christine: She looks out the window, she sees the Cullens, and she's like, who are they?

Christine: Like she got a feeling of somebody who walked in.

Christine: Like they're not even in the same room yet.

Christine: She just got a feeling.

Renee: Oh, like she knew that they were of significance, and they're not even in the building yet.

Renee: She just immediately got a read off of them.

Christine: Bella is psychic.

Renee: Now for the rest of the film, we'll be looking for reasons why Bella is psychic.

Christine: Oh my god, this is so dramatic.

Christine: He literally looks at her like he was gonna throw up.

Christine: If that was me, I'd throw up.

Renee: Do you not see that GIF everywhere?

Christine: Oh no.

Renee: People always use that clip.

Christine: Oh my god!

Christine: If I was in high school, and I walked to sit next to my lab partner, and he looked like he was gonna vomit just by looking at me, I would drop out of school immediately, never return.

Renee: And it's her first day!

Christine: Homeschool me.

Christine: I don't care.

Christine: Oh my god.

Christine: This poor girl.

Renee: Is that a Caesar salad with his sandwich?

Christine: It is.

Christine: Wait, is that a grilled cheese?

Renee: Is that literally the dinner that we ate?

Christine: That's so weird.

Christine: I have another question.

Christine: His eyes are different here?

Christine: They were black before.

Renee: This is important that you notice this.

Christine: Okay.

Renee: I was sitting here going, I don't think that they made it obvious enough, but now they just cut away.

Renee: So you notice, which you're supposed to notice.

Twilight Clip: It's the fluorescents.

Christine: No, that's a line.

Christine: That's a line.

Renee: I got three so far.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: You have missed one.

Renee: There was one.

Christine: I'm not getting a free one.

Christine: Like, do you have to pull her or can you just, like, finally pull me?

Christine: You need to see what I look like in some way.

Renee: I'm so uncomfortable to watch.

Christine: Just get on my back.

Renee: That's a speed piggyback ride.

Christine: How long do we know Edward for?

Renee: Exactly.

Renee: It's, and he was gone.

Renee: He was gone for like, several days.

Renee: And then his family was gone because the weather was nice.

Renee: Let's say it's been a month.

Renee: How long have they talked?

Renee: How often have they spoken?

Christine: Four to five days.

Renee: Max.

Renee: They have biology together.

Christine: They know each other for one business week.

Christine: And she already, I don't know.

Christine: This is not, it's terrible.

Renee: It's a mutual obsession.

Renee: That's what it is.

Renee: Alice is psychic.

Renee: See, I hadn't thought about this at all.

Renee: Yeah.

Renee: I love how every single line that they write for her is just like a premonition.

Christine: Yeah, yeah.

Christine: It's just so...

Christine: Wow, I can't believe how many I'm getting.

Renee: You are getting like...

Christine: I'm getting way more than I thought.

Renee: We'll be able to count, do the math on it, get the full percentage.

Renee: But yeah, there are only, for your reference, there are only three left.

Christine: Oh my god, they were so fast.

Renee: So almost all of them I got from the first half of the movie.

Christine: Oh my gosh.

Renee: And there were so many others also in the first half that were contenders to be on the list, but I couldn't make them work.

Christine: Oh my god.

Christine: Why do you keep throwing her back?

Twilight Clip: You better hold on tight spider monkey.

Christine: Yes.

Christine: I cannot forget that one.

Christine: She does look like a little Spider-Monk.

Christine: Nope.

Renee: Borderline  years out, the special effects would be so much better.

Renee: This is the only movie that's blue, because it was like a different director.

Renee: Oh, I see.

Renee: And they would have just put more content in that helps build this relationship.

Christine: You know what, Charlie is a real one.

Renee: He is, he is the best.

Christine: He's the only one who behaves in a logical, healthy manner.

Renee: Exactly, he says things he should say, it just, and he's funny.

Christine: Oh, is she turning at this point?

Renee: Yes.

Renee: So, in this mythology, all you have to do is get bit, and then it's just, there's a venom that then turns you.

Renee: Yeah.

Christine: I thought you had to die with the venom in you.

Renee: No.

Renee: No, so that's...

Renee: So, in Vampire Diaries, it's you have a vampire's blood in your system, they don't have venom, and then if you die, then you turn.

Renee: But to solidify it, you then have to feed.

Renee: So, it's like a three-step.

Renee: This is, you just get bit.

Renee: And you have to endure the pain, and then you're turned.

Christine: I see.

Christine: Wow.

Christine: Oh my god, it's Amarantha.

Christine: Victoria, Victoria, Victoria.

Christine: Oh no!

Christine: Victoria, we were having such a nice moment.

Christine: Wait, this is the end?

Renee: It's the end.

Renee: That is it.

Twilight Debrief

Renee: Hot takes time.

Renee: What did you think?

Christine: I do agree with you that I think if the movie was made now, the graphics and stuff would be better.

Renee: Yes.

Christine: Edward's character seems so problematic as a boyfriend.

Renee: Yeah, like, I don't even really remember, because I read the book so long ago, and I read the book, the whole book, within like the week before the movie came out.

Christine: Okay.

Renee: I haven't read the book since, so I have no idea.

Renee: Like, I don't even remember what they cut out.

Christine: Yeah.

Christine: I don't know, like, I liked it.

Christine: And also, I'm just so concerned about, like, Bella's choice in men.

Renee: Yes.

Christine: And like how, like, she's going to meet a family of vampires, and she's like, what if they don't like me?

Christine: I'm like, what if they eat you?

Christine: Like, I don't know, there's just so many more alarming things.

Christine: Would I watch it again?

Christine: Yes.

Renee: Because it is so entertaining.

Renee: Like, there were so many things that are funny.

Christine: A cult movie, I feel.

Renee: Absolutely.

Christine: Yeah, yeah.

Christine: I'd definitely watch it again, though.

Renee: There's probably also funny lines in some of the other movies, but we've just come back to the well.

Christine: To this one.

Renee: This is just...

Christine: No, this is gold.

Christine: This was made at a specific point in time, where everything was just awkward.

Renee: But some of that was written in.

Renee: So there were a lot of critiques when this movie came out, and people were like, oh, Kristen Stewart, like, she's a horrible actress.

Renee: Like, she's been in a lot of works, okay?

Renee: This is the character.

Renee: The character is like an empty shell.

Christine: Yes, yes.

Renee: You know, and you see that, especially in New Moon.

Renee: Spoiler alert.

Renee: When he leaves, and she's without him, she is just a shell of a person, and she becomes an adrenaline junkie, because she's just like, she has no will to live.

Renee: And what we don't ever see in these movies, and I don't remember if they even talked about it in the books, is, well, what was it like before?

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: We hear glimpses of it when she's talking to her mom.

Renee: She's very much like Charlie, and that she kind of has a very subdued personality, and she's not too chatty, which is okay.

Renee: What were her interests?

Renee: Yeah, like, yes.

Renee: She's very, like, two-dimensional.

Christine: Yes.

Christine: Like, he's her whole personality.

Renee: Yes.

Christine: Alarming.

Christine: But, again, loved it.

Christine: We'd watch it again.

Christine: Like, I watch A Million Powers.

Christine: There's not much behind it.

Renee: If they made this again, you couldn't replicate that.

Renee: No, you couldn't.

Renee: The gold.

Renee: You couldn't replicate it.

Renee: Maybe they would write it differently, so it would feel slightly less toxic.

Christine: Yeah.

Christine: And I also feel like...

Renee: I don't know.

Christine: There's the toxicity in, like...

Christine: I don't know.

Christine: She's always in danger somehow.

Renee: But that's where they, like, clearly fast-forward it through a lot.

Renee: Like, this is...

Renee: the whole movie's on two-time speed.

Renee: Because in a very short period of time, they've had, like, one conversation.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: And she's, like, obsessed with him, and he's also obsessed with her, but he has, like, more of a legitimate reason to be obsessed with her, I think.

Renee: But then, like, two days before, the whole school was showing interest in her, and she was deeply uncomfortable.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: So it's not really...

Renee: It probably was explained in the book, and I don't remember.

Christine: This is what's weird about it.

Christine: It's because he, again, looks like he wants to vomit when he sees her, and then shows interest in her.

Christine: He does that whole, like, pull back, go after her thing.

Renee: Yeah, I actually saw a video recently, and it was this guy who's a writer, and he's like, this is horrible.

Renee: It reminded me of when I was a kid, and he's like, when I was a boy, and like what I thought was okay, kind of what you're talking about, like what I thought was okay, or how you were supposed to view dynamics with women, and you're basically putting everything on her.

Renee: And so he was even bringing that up of like, she is a shell, like she isn't, like what is she?

Renee: Other than like a vessel for his desire and longing.

Christine: All she wants to do is like turn to be like, like she just wants to fit herself into his life.

Renee: Right.

Christine: It's weird.

Renee: And so he was giving the example where he was saying, he would think of what his dream girl was, and it was somebody who was nice and liked the things that he liked.

Renee: And it's like that's not a person.

Renee: That's not a person separate from you.

Renee: That is exactly what this is.

Renee: It's a woman that is just like wants to be in your life and like thinks that you are so cool.

Christine: Yes.

Renee: And like ignores everyone else because all the guys were after her and she just didn't even see them.

Renee: Which is so fascinating because again, this was written by a woman.

Christine: I know.

Renee: And so he was describing it.

Renee: It felt like it was from the male gaze, like the whole storyline.

Christine: Yes.

Twilight Quotes Reveal

Renee: Let's reveal the scores.

Renee: So obviously in season one, we had episodes 2 through 15, there was a quote.

Renee: The moon and 2024 eclipses.

Renee: The quote was, it's the fluorescence, which you did identified.

Christine: Identify?

Christine: Okay.

Renee: You got that one.

Renee: And then episode 3, aren't people from Arizona supposed to be like really tan?

Renee: You also got that one immediately.

Renee: You knew it.

Renee: So right now you have two.

Renee: Episode  was, here comes the human, which I said with the same affectation in the episode, which is probably how you remembered it.

Renee: So you got that one.

Renee: Episode 5, Claire de Lune is great.

Renee: You also got that one.

Renee: The Reiki episode with Lisa, is she even Italian?

Renee: Oh, I did.

Renee: And you also got that one too.

Renee: Yoga episode, the quote was the golden onion.

Renee: And that one was a completely obscure line that is totally missed in the plot.

Renee: I don't even really remember how I wove that in.

Renee: It must have been in like the bloopers or something.

Christine: Maybe.

Renee: Maybe we were talking about cooking, and I like somehow wove it into a recipe.

Renee: I think that's what it was.

Renee: So it was so subtle.

Renee: Spirit talk episode with Hallie.

Renee: The quote was, and you did get this one, you knew it, you started talking, you said, wait, is this a quote?

Christine: Yeah, no, I heard.

Renee: Death is peaceful, life is harder.

Renee: In episode nine, that was the universe episode, so signs and symbols and everything.

Renee: The quote was, purple's cool.

Renee: Yes, I got that one.

Renee: And you got that one too.

Renee: So seven.

Christine: Wow.

Renee: Strong.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: Strong.

Christine: I feel really strong.

Renee: Okay, and then it starts falling apart.

Christine: Oh, no.

Renee: So.

Renee: So in episode 10, this was our numerology episode, and I don't just surf the Internet.

Renee: Do you remember where that was in the movie?

Christine: When they all went surfing, probably.

Renee: So it was when they were inviting everybody to go to La Push.

Renee: And then after that is when she goes to talk to Edward and he catches the apple and she says, Oh, we're going to go to the beach.

Renee: And he's like, Oh, I can't go there.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: And it's because of the territory thing.

Renee: It was Eric, the one that you said reminded you of.

Christine: Patty Simcox.

Renee: Yeah, who's annoying.

Renee: And then episode 11, that was the Divination Tools episode.

Renee: The line was, you are my life now.

Christine: Ooh, I don't remember where that was.

Renee: In the middle of the mossy woods.

Renee: Episode 12, this was our, I Dream with Genies episode.

Renee: You got this one, Hold on tight, Spider Monkey, which you of course immediately got.

Renee: The Spirit Council Akasha Records one.

Renee: Yes, no, to get to the other side.

Renee: 1.77245.

Renee: You also got that one.

Renee: Pretty much like the second he started talking.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: Because it was like, yes, no, and you're like, this is it.

Renee: Like, you know what it was.

Christine: I can't remember the cadence of it.

Christine: I was like, this is it.

Renee: I'm gonna read the other answers, but you got nine.

Renee: So you got nine out of 15.

Christine: That's impressive.

Renee: Which is pretty good.

Christine: I'll take it.

Renee: Because I had set the bars, I just hope you get three.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: And you got three times that.

Renee: We just did.

Christine: Yay me.

Renee: For anybody playing along, episode 14, this was our anxiety episode.

Renee: The quote was, also the cafeteria scene that we were talking about.

Renee: What if I'm not the hero?

Renee: What if I'm the bad guy?

Christine: And remember at the beginning, I was like, so she's the hero?

Renee: Yes.

Christine: Why didn't I?

Renee: That is also another very, very famous line.

Renee: Quoted from the book, cited, associated with the franchise.

Renee: What if I'm not the hero?

Renee: What if I'm the bad guy?

Renee: Episode 12.

Renee: This was a rituals episode.

Renee: We talked about this one in real time because you missed it.

Renee: But then we were discussing it, which was I had an adrenaline rush.

Renee: It's very common.

Renee: You can Google it.

Christine: Oh, my God.

Renee: Yes.

Renee: Yeah.

Christine: Yes.

Renee: And that was much earlier in the movie.

Renee: And that was after like pushing.

Renee: He pushed the van.

Christine: I was like, why didn't he just tell her?

Renee: Which was hilarious because right after you were just like, why didn't he just say he had an adrenaline rush?

Renee: And I'm like, that's literally the quote that's coming in five minutes.

Renee: And then you missed it when it happened.

Renee: You just went like, exactly.

Renee: You were so focused on the storyline, you missed the quote.

Renee: Oh, my God.

Christine: This is fantastic.

Renee: And then the last one, this is another very, very iconic line.

Renee: This was from our finale episode, our Synastry episode.

Christine: OK.

Renee: And the quote is, say it out loud.

Christine: Oh, you're right.

Christine: You're right.

Renee: That was also in the woods.

Renee: That was when she was confronting him by standing away from him, facing the opposite direction.

Renee: You're a vampire.

Renee: That's the scene.

Renee: I would say that you did very well.

Renee: Nine out of 15 is an excellent score.

Christine: I'll take it.

Christine: I hope you get one tomorrow.

Christine: Like this year, like, oh, it's part of the franchise.

Christine: Like, there's a cult falling behind this.

Christine: Anchorman, I don't know if it was just like college or whatever.

Christine: Like, the people I know who have watched it, it's like, like, we all have the same dumb sense of humor.

Christine: And like, it's hard to find.

Renee: Yeah.

Renee: This is my personal viewing experience of Twilight.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: Is that one of the many times that we watched it, my sister and I sat down and went, these lines are too good.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: And we just started writing some down.

Renee: Purple's cool.

Renee: That's a Twilight quote that has nothing to do with Twilight.

Renee: And yet, and yet it is.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: So it's like your own inside joke.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: As Edward said, it's a personal joke.

Renee: We matriculate a lot of graduation caps.

Renee: All right.

Renee: So overall, how would you read out of five?

Christine: Out of five?

Renee: Yeah.

Renee: Okay.

Christine: Don't get mad.

Christine: I'm going to give it three stars.

Renee: For what it is?

Christine: Because it's not a great movie, but it's a good movie.

Christine: Like a-

Renee: It's a good bad movie.

Christine: Yes.

Christine: Yes.

Christine: That's it.

Christine: Yeah.

Christine: It's like glitter.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: Glitter?

Renee: Oh, is that with Mariah?

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: I haven't seen it.

Christine: I liked it.

Christine: But again, it was a good bad movie.

Renee: Yes.

Anchorman Viewing

Christine: Okay, Renee, we're now gonna watch Anchorman, and I just want to preface this with, I don't know how well the movie aged, so please don't judge me.

Renee: And I will preface this with, I know when this movie came out, and I expect it won't age well.

Christine: Judgment-free zone, folks.

Renee: Here we go.

Anchorman Clip: I've had a crush on you since I was a little girl.

Anchorman Clip: Let's get somewhere.

Renee: How long has he been a maker?

Renee: Because why a little girl?

Renee: She's an adult.

Renee: There's no way it's that depressing.

Christine: It's a different time.

Renee: I can't get over what's happening with his chest hair, because it looks like he has, like, a shirt on.

Christine: Yes.

Renee: Or it looks like the hair is applied to him.

Renee: Like, that's not his body.

Christine: I think that is natural.

Renee: It doesn't look right.

Renee: It looks fake.

Christine: Maybe they added hair?

Renee: It looks like scabs.

Renee: Like, it doesn't even look like little curls of hair.

Renee: If you are showing up at a party alone, that's the only information we've been given so far.

Renee: Some guy comes up to you in a bathrobe like this, and he's talking how he's talking, and she, like, has it together.

Renee: She's clearly not, like, hammered at this party.

Renee: Would have walked away two sentences in.

Christine: But I also, I'm seeing the connection between him and Edward.

Christine: Like, he, like, spotted her.

Christine: He's obsessed with her and, like, hovering.

Renee: Except he also was, he avoided her at the beginning.

Renee: He tried to transfer classes.

Renee: He didn't go up to her and say, like, nice heiny.

Christine: That's true.

Christine: I feel like he's very flowery.

Renee: He looked like he was gonna throw up and try to switch classes.

Renee: She is the Edward right now.

Christine: Yes, she's Edward.

Anchorman Clip: You're so wise.

Renee: This is, like, a Buddha.

Renee: I knew it was coming.

Christine: I'm so bad at, like, giving them all names.

Renee: Like a Buddha covered in hair.

Renee: No, I remembered the line as he was saying it.

Anchorman Clip: Oh, yeah, I ate a big red candle.

Anchorman Clip: Oh, Jesus.

Renee: That's so dumb.

Christine: Oh, my God.

Anchorman Clip: Hello, Wes Mantooth.

Renee: Okay.

Renee: These names are outrageous.

Christine: I love that their insults don't use bad words.

Renee: I feel like we don't talk as much like that anymore.

Christine: No, and I feel like they went over the top.

Christine: Yeah.

Christine: Oh, gosh.

Christine: Oh, gosh.

Christine: I love her.

Renee: Good for her.

Renee: What this makes me think of, 222, 111.

Christine: Oh, my God.

Renee: What this makes me think of is just the audacity of clearly previous eras, the generations, of all of these men in charge, and they could just goof around.

Christine: Oh, yeah.

Renee: And have it be a boys' club or be doing whatever with their secretary and all these other things.

Renee: And it's like, were they even working?

Christine: Oh, no.

Renee: And then when you talk about remote work now, and it's like people goofing off, it's like people are definitely actually working more than these people were working.

Christine: Oh, yes.

Renee: I don't know because they haven't said this here.

Renee: I'm assuming that the other people in the conference room at the beginning, some of them were writers.

Renee: Because clearly, they just are the faces.

Renee: They're just the stars.

Renee: To a degree, it's like they're portraying it like they don't really need to do anything of substance.

Renee: They just see what's on the screen.

Renee: Unlike...

Renee: what's the girl's name?

Renee: What's Christine Applegate's name?

Christine: Veronica.

Renee: Veronica.

Renee: Clearly, she actually wants to investigate and do work where all of them are just goofing around.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: This woman has to work so much harder to get a cat fashion story.

Christine: Yes.

Renee: And not even be able to...

Renee: I hope that she goes in there, starts to read it, and then just inserts her own story, and just start talking about whatever she wants to talk about.

Christine: We'll see what happens.

Renee: Right, I'm going to be honest with you.

Renee: That smells like pure gasoline.

Renee: This is another one.

Renee: That doesn't make sense.

Renee: I'm glad you said that.

Anchorman Clip: What is that?

Anchorman Clip: It smells like a turd covered in burnt hair.

Renee: Oh, that's Judd.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: I'm just screaming, because it smells so bad.

Christine: So bad.

Christine: That's funny.

Renee: He didn't even put that much on.

Renee: He just put it on his neck, right?

Christine: Before he goes on, so you know Lizzo plays the flute?

Renee: Yes.

Christine: Okay, so she did a...

Renee: Parody?

Christine: A parody of the scene that's coming up next.

Renee: Okay.

Christine: And this is one of the reasons why I love Lizzo so much.

Renee: We are not prepared at all.

Renee: Oh my God, she pulls it out of his sleeve.

Renee: All I think about while seeing this is, how did they come up with that?

Christine: I have no idea.

Christine: That's so random.

Renee: So random.

Renee: And it must be, it must be something personal to the writers.

Christine: One of the writers, yeah.

Renee: Because it is completely out of left field of him being a really good jazz flautist.

Christine: Yeah, like one of the others.

Renee: It's so, so niche to have this happen.

Christine: Yes, yes.

Renee: Oh my gosh.

Renee: I can't believe how much she was wooed by this flute performance.

Christine: Listen, it was a really...

Renee: She had a really strong run at the beginning and she flipped when she saw him doing a jazz flute concert.

Christine: That's all it took.

Christine: I mean, it was a great performance.

Renee: I know, but wow.

Christine: Now, a lot of these one-liners are great, but they weren't for the podcast.

Christine: Right.

Christine: Okay.

Renee: Hear me out.

Christine: Hearing.

Renee: Remember when we watched Twilight and you said, wow, that got intense really fast.

Renee: This is like the comedy version.

Christine: The comedy version, yes.

Renee: It is the same thing.

Renee: Like, okay, we're  minutes into the movie, so we're like a third.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: Okay.

Renee: He plays the jazz flute, and she does a 180, and he gets what he wants  minutes into the movie.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: Where does the film go?

Christine: Oh, you'll see.

Renee: I mean, okay, I recognize that we just saw like a cartoon fantasy sequence, so where does the film go?

Renee: I clearly won't be able to predict it.

Christine: No one knows.

Renee: But like, that also moved very fast.

Christine: It was very quickly.

Renee: Because she's Edward.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: She is now putting her arm around him and they're like, screw it, let's go into school together.

Christine: Yes.

Renee: And he's got the sunglasses on and is smiling.

Renee: That's what she's doing right now.

Christine: Yes.

Christine: Yes.

Renee: Okay.

Renee: I can't wait.

Renee: I loved that.

Renee: Right?

Renee: It was a beautiful quartet.

Renee: I cannot believe Jack Black kicked his dog off the bridge.

Christine: It's like really heartbreaking.

Christine: This is a silly movie.

Renee: That is just like stunning.

Renee: You're not wrong.

Christine: It's like they're so cute, but they're idiots at the same time.

Renee: You know what the worst part about it is?

Anchorman Clip: She's better than me.

Christine: Times are changing.

Anchorman Clip: Ladies can do stuff now.

Renee: That's right.

Anchorman Clip: You're going to have to learn how to deal with it.

Anchorman Clip: That's right.

Renee: That's right.

Christine: I'm 70% sure I love you is a line that Will Farrell in Real Life wrote on a note with flowers that he sent to his wife.

Christine: So apparently they have like a funny dynamic where they'll say like ridiculous things to each other.

Christine: And that's one actual true life line he said to his wife that they like put in the movie.

Christine: That's cute.

Christine: All right.

Anchorman Quotes Reveal

Christine: Yeah, so you got all of the quotes except for one.

Christine: You should lay low for a little while.

Renee: No memory of that.

Christine: After the fight scene where Brick kills a guy.

Christine: Right.

Renee: Oh, yes.

Renee: And Ron was like in the office.

Christine: Yeah, I've been meaning to show you about that.

Christine: You should find some family close by and lay low for a little while.

Renee: Okay, remember that.

Renee: What episode did you say that in?

Christine: Ah, 15.

Christine: Okay, so I'm just going to run through these for the listener.

Christine: In our second episode, The Moon and  Eclipses, we have Afternoon Delight, a glass case of emotion in Don't Blame Astrology for Your Bad Behavior, episode three.

Christine: The next quote we have is, and I think this was Renee's favorite, old, old wooden ship used during the Civil War era, episode four, Life in HD, Human Design.

Christine: Another fun one, Great Odin's Raven, episode five, Clearly You're Intuitive.

Christine: Next, I think this is a staple line, kind of a big deal.

Christine: In episode six, Energetics and Reiki with Lisa Caruso.

Christine: Then there's one rule, no touching of the hair or face, which was in episode seven, Putting the Om in Yoga.

Christine: In episode eight, the quote was, Don't act like you're not impressed.

Christine: Another famous quote from this movie, 60% of the time it works every time was in episode nine, the universe really does have your back.

Christine: And in episode 9, one, two, three, four, tell me about the numbers more.

Christine: Boy, that episode escalated quickly.

Christine: In episode 10, Divinely Guided, the quote was, Milk was a bad choice.

Christine: And then we have, By the Beard of Zeus, which was in episode 12, I Dream with Genies.

Christine: In episode 13, Convene the Council on Axis the Akasha, the quote is, Many leather-bound books and it smelled of rich mahogany.

Renee: Okay, so I didn't remember you saying the leather-bound books part.

Christine: I definitely put it in there.

Christine: I remember reading it.

Renee: Okay, because that's the part where like, when that scene came up, and then we were kind of talking over it, and so then you were around it.

Renee: And then I just heard mahogany, and I went, oh, it smells like rich mahogany, like that was it?

Christine: Yeah.

Christine: My like, hall of records has many leatherbound books, so I just kind of threw it in there.

Renee: Okay.

Christine: It's a description.

Christine: Yeah, yeah.

Christine: So in episode 14, Anxious or Intuitive, we had the quote, You're so wise, you're like a miniature Buddha, for our favorite dog Baxter.

Christine: The next one that we just mentioned lay low for a little bit.

Christine: That was in episode 15, Ritually Ebbing and Flowing.

Christine: And in our last episode, episode 16, Synastry and Compatibility with Stephanie Powers, the line was, I think I was in loved ones.

Christine: But now I know for sure.

Christine: And that's it.

Anchorman Debrief

Christine: So Renee, what did you think of my nostalgia movie?

Renee: Okay.

Renee: You had explained your concern that I was going to judge you for this movie.

Renee: Yes, there were some lines here and there.

Renee: We both knew when they happened.

Renee: They did not age well.

Renee: Not acceptable to say now.

Renee: But knowing that it's supposed to be a period piece as well, you are contextualizing it.

Renee: So you would excuse some of that stuff.

Renee: I was sitting here cracking up at many points, or like both of us were laughing.

Renee: So I do think it was funny.

Renee: And I totally get why.

Renee: Was it successful immediately or did it become a cult classic?

Christine: I feel like it became a cult classic.

Renee: Because I feel like it gives off the vibe that it's a cult classic.

Christine: I feel like it's a cult classic.

Renee: I can see that in watching it.

Renee: I think I'll match you.

Renee: It's like a solid three.

Renee: It piqued my interest enough that I would keep going with the follow up just to see.

Renee: Because wasn't that made way later?

Christine: Yes, it was.

Renee: Like over 10 years.

Christine: Yeah, it was a while later.

Renee: I would be very, very interested to see how that differs.

Renee: No, it was definitely funny.

Renee: Yay!

Christine: All right, well, that's it, guys.

Christine: Renee and I watched each other's, not favorite movie, but like our most quoted movies.

Renee: Not wanting to call it a favorite movie just straight up means that we are judging our own films.

Christine: Yeah, we are.

Christine: We are.

Renee: Because for Twilight, for sure, it's like it has a reputation for being bad.

Renee: And like I've explained when I first watched that movie and I was disappointed with it.

Renee: And yet I have now seen this movie, the most of probably any movies.

Renee: I don't think this qualifies as so bad it's good.

Renee: I think this is just a very specific kind of comedy.

Christine: Yeah.

Renee: And so if it appeals to you, then you're entertained.

Christine: Yeah, I agree with that.

Christine: Well, thanks for coming on another journey with us.

Christine: And this is your sign to go watch your favorite three-star movie.

Christine: And try to convince your friend that it's worth it.

Christine: Thanks for listening.

Renee: If you'd like to learn more, the resources we used to prepare for this episode are listed in the show notes.

Christine: You can reach me, Christine, @channeledbychristine with one L on Instagram.

Renee: And you can reach me, Renee, @_readbyrenee, or connect with both of us via email at

Christine: Keep your spirit curious and your aura sparkling.

Renee: We'll see you when the star's next align.


Renee: Oh, my gosh, I didn't even notice right away.

Renee: That is outrageous.

Christine: Moss grows on the north side of the tree.

Renee: I have no idea why.

Renee: Why are you commenting on that?

Christine: This is what I mean.

Christine: Like, I'm not...

Renee: There's moss everywhere.

Season 1 of the Synergy to Synastry podcast included hidden movie quotes from both Twilight and Anchorman in each regular episode. Listen to Christine and Renee's reactions to these films and hear which quotes were planted as easter eggs.


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