Christine: Happy holiday season, listener.
Christine: We're so excited to be chatting with you.
Christine: We're dropping a little bit of a bonus episode before we start season two in March of next year.
Christine: And this episode is gonna talk about the energy of 2025.Â
Christine: So we're dropping it a little bit earlier so you can listen to it, study it, ask us questions.
Christine: But we're gonna talk about today, what is New Year's?
Christine: What's the difference between the New Year's that we celebrate and the astrological New Year?
Christine: We're also gonna be talking about your profection year, which is an astrological term that our resident astrologist Renee is gonna discuss. Â
Christine: And then we're gonna jump into a quick numerology overview for the year that I, Christine, your expert in numerology here on Synergy to Synastry will go over.
Christine: And last but not least, we'll of course jump into a bigger channeled psychic reading for 2025 for all of you because we know that's what you've been waiting for.
Christine: So no matter where you are in the world or what holiday you're celebrating, get comfy and the way that works for you, I know I'm gonna snuggle up with a nice cup of tea, maybe some hot cocoa, get wild, and listen to the forecast for 2025.
Christine: First up, let's talk about New Year's, how we actually celebrate it today, and how it coincides with the astrological New Year.
Christine: Renee, you're up first.
History of New Years
Renee: When we say New Year's, we're talking about January 1st.
Renee: The origin comes from the fact that most cultures today follow the Gregorian calendar, which originated in 1582.
Renee: It wasn't adopted across the globe, in some cases, for several hundred years, but that's when the main guy created it.
Renee: The calendar that was being used before was actually out of sync with the earth's rotation of the sun.
Renee: He was trying to course correct.
Renee: The very, very simplified history here is there was a lot of math involved.
Renee: I'm including a link to the article I used for research on this in the show notes.
Renee: If you are a math nerd and you want to read more, please check that out.
Renee: But essentially, it was calculating down a year to be 365.2425 days.
Renee: There's a lot of moving parts to make that happen.
Renee: Obviously, we're familiar with the idea of leap years, but then there's special rules with leap years.
Renee: If they don't happen on certain year integers, it's a whole thing.
Christine: I have a nerdy question because I'm reading a book right now about alchemy and the Hermetic Order and all this nerdy nonsense in art.
Christine: Was the calendar that they had used prior to the Gregorian calendar out of sync because at that point in time, there was still the belief that like earth was the center of the universe and not the sun?
Renee: The reason that the calendar was off is because they had it set at , and they weren't adjusting it with time.
Renee: What would happen is gradually, the days would move and it was getting out of sync with the seasons.Â
Renee: It's supposed to be the spring equinox and it's not happening on the right day.
Renee: That's why there was all this math involved and dropping days and adding days certain years, and also adjusting it.
Renee: There's another calendar, it was whatever the French were using way back when, where it was super standardized.
Renee: October 6th of every single year is a Monday.
Renee: That is an example of it being over-standardized, over-simplified and too inflexible.
Renee: That's why these mathematicians had to calculate out something that was a little bit more fluid that would work better.
Renee: But also as a note in this Gregorian calendar, this is when January 1st became New Year's.Â
Christine: Big thing that comes with January 1st are New Year's resolutions.Â
Christine: I don't know if any of the listeners here have gone through the same thing that I have gone through, but you kind of come up with these ideas, like you're gonna be this brand new person in the new year and you're gonna eat healthy and you're gonna go to the gym every day and you're gonna have a booming business.
Christine: And then after like two days of trying to get this right, you're already exhausted and you've lost your New Year's resolution. Â
Christine: So it's interesting that we set these New Year's resolutions.Â
Christine: They're so difficult to maintain.
Christine: And I feel like it has something to do with the time of year.
Christine: It's in the middle of Capricorn season, if you will.
Christine: So Renee, I'm curious what your take is on that.
Astrological New Years & Manifesting in 2025
Renee: Astrologically, there is an explanation for why New Year's resolutions made January st don't pan out.
Renee: And that's because what is astrology, if not energy?
Renee: Baked in to the astrological calendar, the New Year's is actually the spring equinox, which is the start of Aries season.
Renee: That fluctuates any given year from the 18th to the 22nd, maybe 23rd.
Renee: In 2025, the spring equinox is March 20th in the wee hours of the morning Eastern time.
Renee: If you work with the energy of the astrological New Year, what you're leaning into is Aries energy.
Renee: Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.
Renee: In some ways, it's considered the baby.
Renee: It's initiation energy.
Renee: Aries is all about action, moving forward.
Renee: That is the energy that makes much more sense to connect to, launching energy, going forward with passion and conviction versus, as Christine mentioned, the middle of Capricorn season.
Renee: Capricorn is also a cardinal sign in the zodiac, but it's about maintaining systems and traditions, but not for starting something new, which is much more of an Aries theme.
Renee: If you want to set New Year's resolutions or intentions, if you prefer intentions instead, a much better time is the start of Aries season or on the Aries New Moon, if you want to set your manifestations.
Renee: Now, I'll note, this year in 2025, the Aries New Moon falls on an eclipse.
Renee: It is not recommended to do manifestations on an eclipse, so do not do that this year.
Renee: If you want to set intentions, long story short, you could work with the start of Aries season, the spring equinox, which is March 20th.
Christine: So with that, I would like our resident astrologer to talk about profection years, because I think this is fascinating.
Christine: It might be something that is easier to work with because it's more in alignment with who we are than setting an arbitrary New Year's resolution.
Hellenistic Astrology & Solar Returns
Renee: So a profection year is a term that originates in Hellenistic astrology.
Renee: Hellenistic astrology is one of the older branches of astrology that originates in ancient Greece.
Renee: They use the whole sign system.
Renee: That's where the pie chart is equal versus if you use the Placidus system, which is in more modern astrology, the slices of your pie will be different sizes.
Renee: You could have an astrological sign that has multiple houses in it.
Renee: So the concept of profection years is rooted in Hellenistic astrology.
Renee: So you would always use the whole sign house.
Renee: Essentially, it's like having your own personal New Year's.
Renee: And it starts on your birthday each year.
Renee: If we're being really technical, it starts on what's called your solar return in astrology.
Renee: And that's if you look at your birth chart, and let's say your sun is at x degrees of cancer, then every single year when the sun returns to x degrees of cancer, that's your solar return.
Renee: So the sun returns to where it was when you were born.
Renee: My solar return was on the 25th.
Renee: That means that my personal chart for the year is based on when the sun returned to where it's supposed to be in my chart, even though my regular quote unquote birthday is on the 26th.
How Profection Years Work
Renee: Per Hellenistic Astrology, you are linking each year of your life with a sign and house pairing.
Renee: What that does is it gives you an annual theme, so what Christine was talking about, you could make your resolution or intention around your profection Year because it gives you a theme, you're working with the energy that's already infused within your chart.
Renee: Profection years work in a 12-year cycle, the reason being there are 12 zodiac signs and there are 12 houses.
Renee: This cycle runs from 0 to 11, your first year of life until your first birthday, that is your first year, and that's following your ascendant sign, which is your first house.
Renee: Then once you turn 1, you're now in your second full year of life, and that corresponds with your second house, and so on and so forth.
Renee: Then the cycle restarts when you turn 12, you're back to your first house, and then you’re 13, your second house, and it keeps going around and around and around.
Renee: I've linked a calculator from Astro Seek in the show notes, so that you can look it up, and you don't have to worry about doing this math yourself.
Renee: When this episode comes out, Christine will be in the third month of her second house profection year.
Renee: Because her birthday was in September, she is newly starting this profection year, whereas for most of 2024, she was in her first house year, and I will be in my ninth month of my seventh house year.
Renee: For 2025, in March, I will be moving into my eighth house year and Christine will be moving into her third house year.
2025 Profection Year Forecasts
Renee: All right, so I'm going to give everybody a moment to jump into our show notes so you can get that calculator link I was referring to, and you can figure out your 2024 and 2025 profection year house numbers.
Renee: I'll run through all 12 of the houses so you have a quick understanding of what your theme is, either for the current year in 2024 or in your 2025 profection year, which again starts on your solar return.
Renee: If you have a first house profection year, that means that your focus is on your body or physical appearance, identity or sense of identity, and general attitude towards life.
Renee: For the second house, you'll be focusing on self-worth, personal assets and finances, as well as the values and principles that you hold.
Renee: For a third house, the focus is communication, siblings and neighbors, and short distance travel.
Renee: Forth house relates to foundations and ancestry, family, your home, whether literal or the sense or idea of home, as well as your inner world.
Renee: Fifth house is centered on creativity, play, children, pleasure, pleasure seeking, and dating.
Renee: For the sixth house profection year, the theme is work or jobs.
Renee: So what is the work that you're doing, not your career, service, health or injuries, and pets.
Renee: For the seventh house, the focus is committed partnerships that can be business or marriage, as well as contracts.
Renee: For eighth house, you'll be looking at mental health, others resources, that can be inheritance or shared wealth, the ideas or manifestations of death, rebirth and transformation, as well as intimacy.
Renee: For ninth house, you'll be focusing on learning, teaching, publishing, spirituality and long-distance travel.
Renee: Tenth house is focused on career or your calling in life, public roles, being visible to others, and your reputation.
Renee: The eleventh house is focused on community, friends, networking, and hopes for the future.
Renee: And finally, the twelfth house is centered around isolation, secrecy and self-undoing.
Profection Year Reflections
Christine: My profection year started September of this year, second house.
Christine: My second house is ruled by Aquarius.
Christine: So is there anything about having Pluto sitting in my second house while I'm in my second house profection year?
Christine: Am I just going to go through the wringer?
Renee: So ultimately with the profection years, and anytime that you draw a solar return chart as an example, it's infusing that year ahead with whatever the energy is that day.
Christine: Pluto is at zero degrees of Aquarius on my solar return.
Renee: Of course, it's probably within hours that it then moved back because I know it's literally zero degrees, could not be more profound.
Christine: All right, guys, well, I'll see you in 2026.
Christine: It's been real.
Renee: So based on the theme breakdown that I just gave on the 12 houses, Christine, I'm curious, how do you relate to your current and upcoming themes for your profection years?
Christine: For most of 2024, I was in my first house profection year, which is, for me, it just felt a lot around identity, who am I, who really am I, outgrowing people-pleasing tendencies and figuring out who I am and what I really want.
Christine: What's interesting is that Pluto and Capricorn really, over the last years, has been having me focus on that, and also having that be my profection year this year.
Christine: I almost feel like I got a power-up in a Super Mario game.
Christine: I got the little star and I was super fast this year, and I think the people who know me will resonate that I have, not changed as a person, but grown into who I actually am, as opposed to making sure everyone else is happy, which I think is a big first-house theme.
Christine: Now that I'm in my second-house profection year, it's really focused on what are my values.
Christine: What's funny is a couple of years ago, I was trying to answer this question and it was hard for me.
Christine: I have actually in recent weeks come to the point where I know what my top three values are, which is interesting that I know what they are now.
Christine: It came so easily as soon as I moved into my profection year and I can now work on that over the next year.
Christine: Then the third house coming up for my next profection year, communication, siblings, neighbors, short-distance travel.
Christine: I'm curious to see what comes up, but I won't know until I get there.
Christine: I think that's important for the listener to know as well.
Christine: You probably have more hindsight and a better idea of what's going on in your current profection year than you do about the one that's coming.
Renee: Really, my 2024 year was in my 7th house.
Renee: I'm still in that right now, waiting to see the fruits of my labor.
Renee: Because 7th house is around committed partnerships, contracts.
Renee: I will say, the growth I've had in this area, because again, it's the sister sign of your first house that you were working on, is what's my identity in relation with other people.
Renee: I definitely have been working on that a lot this year.
Renee: How can I approach getting into a relationship in a different way?
Renee: What my standards and expectations are?
Renee: I've definitely been spending a lot of time on that.
Renee: As far as business partnerships, I've been doing a lot of networking for my business and connecting with different people and trying to nurture long-term relationships.
Renee: Then when we get to March, I'll be in my 8th house, which, oh gosh.
Renee: Talk about all of Christine's Pluto concerns.
Renee: I'm going to have a supercharged Pluto year starting next year.
Renee: I'm going to have an entire year that's focused, hyper-focused Super Mario on my 8th house.
Renee: The 8th house has a very dark sinister reputation in addition to the 8th house.
Renee: That part, I am a little nervous about because it has mental health, ideas of death and rebirth.
Renee: Rebirth, I'm fine with.
Renee: Transformation, I'm fine with.
Renee: Other people's resources, that can mean a lot of things.
Renee: I really don't know what to expect, so I am trying to be optimistic.
Christine: Lucky for you, I have both a stellium in the th house and the th house, and I can tell you, it's not as terrible as it sounds, but I'm here for you because it can be intense.
Renee: So we're gearing up for a pretty intense, potentially uncomfortable 2025 profection year season for the two of us.
2025 Numerology Forecast
Renee: With that, why don't we switch and start talking about the numerology for 2025?
Renee: Christine, I'll turn it over to you.
Christine: If we go back to episode 10 in season 1, we talk about the basics of numerology, what it is, how to calculate your life path number, how to calculate a bunch of different numbers.
Christine: I'm going to do a quick overview now, and we're going to talk about the year, what the numerology is for the year for the world, and then we'll talk about how to figure out your personal year number and mine and Renee's personal year numbers.
Christine: The way you would calculate the numerology for the year for the world, is to add up all of the numbers in 2025.
Christine: 2 plus 2 is 4, 4 plus 5 is 9.
Christine: The number 9 holds the vibration of all the other numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Christine: So 2025 is almost like a culmination, kind of like an ending.
Christine: I feel like I kind of view 2025 as like a senior, almost, right?
Christine: Like we've gone through all of the years, we're at the end now.
Christine: What have we learned?
Christine: Where have we come from?
Christine: How do we move forward from this point on?
Christine:Â tends to be the number of the humanitarian or the light worker.
Christine: This is kind of the energy that's gonna influence the collective over the next year.
Christine: We've been through a lot, we've learned a lot.
Christine: How are we gonna move forward with all of that?
Christine: I think at this point now, we all have our strongly held beliefs and it's almost about, all right, what are we gonna do with them?
Christine: How are we gonna take action?
Christine: Because the year after that is a one and one is initiations, beginnings, a little bit more about me, a little bit selfish.
Christine: This year is a good time for us to think about the collective and what we wanna leave off in the collective before we move into a year, that's all about us.
Christine: And to reverse back, 2024 was an eight year.
Christine: Eight is a year of abundance.
Christine: It's a very business minded number.
Christine: And I think as a world, we've all operated in a way to set ourselves up for that sort of security, that financial security.
Christine: Moving forward into 9, knowing we have the security that we curated in 8, how can we now take what we believe in and create a world knowing we have our sort of safety net that we've created?
Christine: To me, it's very root chakra stuff.
Christine: And we can't build and we can't feel safe, even thinking Maslow's hierarchy of needs, we can't feel safe unless we have a foundation.
Christine: We can't feel safe to think and be creative.
Christine: And nine is a creative number unless we have a foundation.
Christine: Now we can fight for the causes that we really believe in.
Christine: And we can end this cycle on, I would like to think, a high note, right?
Renee: I can totally see how eight makes sense.
Renee: It's totally spot on.
Renee: And a lot of conversations that I've been having with people around where is society going?
Renee: What are we hoping for is exactly what you're talking about with a year nine, which is an example of how all these modalities like somehow work.
Renee: It's like the collective is ready to move on to a nine.
Christine: I always think of it as it's just a different way of getting up the mountain, right?
Christine: We're all trying to get to the same point, and these different modalities will all always speak to the same thing just in a different way.
Calculating Your 2025 Personal Year in Numerology
Christine: One thing I do want to say is if you're listening and we've calculated the world number, have you calculated your life path number yet?
Christine: So I'll review the calculation, but I do want to point out when the world number is the same as your life path number, it becomes like an unusually powerful year for you.
Christine: So we've calculated the world number, right?
Christine: Which is the energy that's going to affect the world for the year.
Christine: In episode 10, we talked about calculating your life path number, and we explained that you would add together the month, day, and year you were born, and that's how you get your number.
Christine: In order to get your personal year, instead of using the year that you were born, you would use the updated year for this year, which would be 2025.
Christine: So, if Harry Potter was looking for his personal year, he would add up the numbers as if he was born on July 31st, 1985, and that would give you a two.
Christine: Funny enough, Renee and I are also having two years.
Christine: So, if you want to take a second and calculate your personal year number, we've linked an article by Patrick Phillips from numerology.com, which outlines your numerology reading for 2025.
Christine: If you want to read more, just go into the show notes and it'll be there.
Christine: Renee and I are having a personal year of two.
Christine: So, if you're also having a year of two, this may relate to you as well.
Christine: Two is the number of partnerships and balance.
Christine: Two is the business number of love.
Christine: We should work on our relationships.
Christine: We should work on our emotional side.
Christine: We should even focus on love, which is interesting because it's something that I don't know Renee and I prioritize as much as we would like to or should.
Christine: So, this year is a year to do it.
Christine: Especially coming after a one year, a one is very, it's about me, it's about getting started, kind of like putting your head down and getting yourself set up in the things that you want to accomplish in this next cycle.
Christine: So, I feel like Renee and I truly have been putting our heads down and working really, really hard during our one year.
Christine: And now in our second year, it's time for us to relax a little bit.
Christine: Renee and I had been talking about this at our retreat, but I almost feel like number two is the number of the sophomore.
Christine: You're not in freshman year anymore, you've met all the people, you've tried all the things.
Christine: And now it's like, okay, what do I actually like?
Christine: Where do I want to be?
Christine: What do I want to focus on?
Christine: I think those are interesting counterparts for Renee and I to take into this next year, especially with the world energy of a nine.
Christine: But Renee, I'm curious what you think about all of this.
Renee: What I'm hoping is that, yeah, if we can sit back and relax and we can have some nice things.
Renee: It's a great counter versus what we were talking about with the profection years.
Renee: Because everything that's going on from that perspective, we're like, oh, I'm a little nervous about the upcoming energy.
Renee: But then to layer on top of it, a numerology year that feels a little bit more pleasant is nice.
Christine: Yeah. It's almost like having a trine in your chart during a difficult transit, right?
Christine: You have a nice little transit to work through.
Christine: That's what numerology will be for us this year.
Christine: Again, Renee and I are talking about how nervous we are for the next year and the astrological transits coming.
Christine: I will say and I will always remind myself that once you're on the other side of these quote unquote difficult transits, that they force us to grow up, they force us to change and if you answer the call, truly on the other side of it, things really are so much better than you could have ever imagined.
Christine: It's almost like getting a shot at the doctor's office.
Christine: You anticipate the pain being so bad and then once it's done, you're like, oh, that wasn't bad and I'm glad it happened.
Christine: I do want to give the listener a little bit of reassurance if they are going through similar transits that it's not bad.
Christine: I think it's the anticipation of what's to come that makes it feel so much more daunting than it actually will be once we're in it.
Renee: The more that we get comfortable with change in the world around us and within ourselves and actually embrace it, it gets a lot easier and even faster to process emotionally, spiritually, practically, what do you do now?
Renee: How do you work through it?
Renee: When you lean into more of a change mindset versus clutching on and trying to have things stay as they are and not evolve.
Christine: Yeah.
Christine: Change is the only constant.
2025 Channeled Messages
Renee: Now, it's time for our 2025 channeled messages.
Renee: Christine, I'll have you start.
Renee: What did you see for our listeners for 2025?
Christine: This I thought was so cool.
Christine: I was looking at the earth, and there was a beacon of light coming out from the center of the earth.
Christine: And then when I look around, there were multiple of these beams of light coming out from the earth and emanating out into space.
Christine: They were almost like a bat signal.
Christine: And it felt like everyone was drawn to the light that resonated with them because it resonated with something within themselves.
Christine: So everyone was sort of finding the light that made the most sense to them.
Christine: It felt like we were finding ourselves, our community, our people.
Christine: And when I looked around, it was really dark, which was why we could see these beams of light so clearly.
Christine: I kept hearing like, how else would we be able to see the light if it wasn't so dark?
Christine: If at some point throughout the year, it feels like it's getting dark, know that there's a reason and a purpose for it.
Christine: And I kept hearing, I am because you are.
Christine: There are little threads between these big beams of light, connecting each light to each other.
Christine: And the focus for us in 2025 is to focus on authenticity, honesty, being who you really are, taking off the mask that we wear to make other people feel comfortable, to make other people like us, people pleasing, being who you are so that everyone can find you.
Christine: I pulled a tarot card and I got the star, which is associated with Aquarius.
Christine: As we keep talking about, we're entering into the age of Aquarius.
Christine: And the star for me, if you think about, like a night when there's no moon, when it's a new moon, and all you see are just the stars, the universe has your back.
Christine: You've done all the work.
Christine: This is a time for healing and inspiration.
Christine: You need to trust yourself.
Christine: And this also reminds me of the numerology that this is going to be a nine year.
Christine: Like you've done all the work.
Christine: Now you get to shine, right?
Christine: Now you get to remember how special you are.
Christine: You get to remember that the things that make you different are the things that make you special and unique.
Christine: And that's where your people are going to find you.
Christine: The mantra that I actually got for you for 2025 is I am flawless.
Christine: And we don't need to do anything or be anything other than who we are in order to find our people, live in alignment, etc., etc.
Christine: That's not to say it's not painful when someone rejects you or they see who you really are and decide that you are not for them.
Christine: Everyone's not for you either.
Christine: I don't know if it's a parable, but it's a bird sitting on a branch and the bird is not comfortable sitting on the branch because it knows the branch is holding itself.
Christine: It knows that if the branch is going to break, it can fly away, its wings can carry it.
Christine: This is where we are right now. You know how to fly.
Christine: So it's okay. Sit on those little branches.
Christine: They may break, but you know how to fly and take yourself elsewhere.
Christine: And also, there's that unseen force behind us that will just shoot us a safety net when we're least expecting it.
Christine: Just remember, the world is ready for you and the star power that you have.
Christine: You have done all of the work and you will either be attracted to the beacon of light that is meant for you, or you will be the beacon of light that attracts those who are meant for you.
Christine: You are perfect and whole exactly as you are.
Christine: That's my reading for 2025, Renee.
Christine: I'm curious to see what you got.
Renee: I didn't get any mantras for mine and I didn't even tune into any because my reading was so comprehensive.
Renee: I immediately got the instruction to pull a card for each quarter of the year.
Renee: Quarters are just a few months at a time, so January to March, April to June, etc.
Renee: For Q1, forge the new way forward.
Renee: The theme is releasing baggage and any notions you have around suffering.
Renee: Then I was seeing visuals of the listener like putting on a hat, athletic gear, kind of like training and ready to hit the ground running.
Renee: Then that quickly switched to flipping through paperwork and this idea of getting your affairs in order.
Renee: It's a really big preparation and training period, learning and expansion, so you're trying to understand what's coming.
Renee: At this point, I flip the card over.
Renee: The deck that I'm using is the Moon Deck, which is an oracle deck, and it's the Cycles card, and the mantra on it is, my emotions move through cycles and connect me to my truth.
Renee: The messages that came with this card, nothing's permanent, including our fears, our stresses, but we can harness all of those emotions and use them for good.
Renee: And then I got, be sure not to self-reject at all around your emotions.
Renee: Embrace what you're feeling, don't hold back on expressing them, whether that's out loud, writing them down in a journal, or to and with other people.
Renee: Moving on to Q2, the first message I got was, make peace with it all.
Renee: This is a period of pulling your energy back inwards and recalibrating for next steps.
Renee: At the tail end of Q1, that was a preparation period, but you started to take some steps forward.
Renee: The beginning of Q2, you're looking back, how did those go, getting a gut check.
Renee: And then the majority of Q2 is focused on opening doors for new connections.
Renee: This is a relationship building period, nurturing close and meaningful connections with others.
Renee: So this isn't just, I'm socializing.
Renee: It's very meaningful, like one-on-one relationships.
Renee: And the card that I polled, which when I flipped it over, I said, wow, out loud.
Renee: The card is the shine card.
Renee: And the affirmation reads, when I let others shine, I shine too.
Renee: Typically, when I pull this card in readings for myself and others, it relates to shedding social comparison.
Renee: There's a little bit of that going on, but it's slightly less focused on releasing that and more about leaning in towards other people, finding joy with other people.
Renee: The final thought on Q2 was building joy together, one person at a time.
Renee: Moving on to Q3, I was seeing images of shuffling cards around on a table, but not actually flipping them.
Renee: So there was a hesitation energy.
Renee: Then the quote that I had to start was, maybe you've been burned and are reluctant to act, but keep going with the track that you've laid out for yourself.
Renee: There's a concern during Q3 about the course that you put yourself on.
Renee: Is it too rigid?
Renee: Kind of wanting to jump off and do something a little bit different because you're not sure you're going in the right direction.
Renee: I had emphatically stay the course with a billion exclamation points.
Renee: The card that I flipped, which made me actually laugh out loud, was the adapt card.
Renee: The mantra on it is, my instincts keep me adaptable in the face of any obstacle.
Renee: Could not be more of a perfect match.
Renee: You have a desire in Q3 to be flexible.
Renee: You want to make a change, but you're on this course.
Renee: Being instructed by the universe, your spirit team, to stay the course, but you want to change, you want to change.
Renee: That's because there are things around you, circumstances around you that have changed, but you're not actually going in the wrong direction.
Renee: You were planning it during Q1, you were starting to execute, tinker with it, builds during Q2, and in Q3, it's like, no, just keep going.
Renee: Circumstances changed and they're going to change again, and it'll be in your favor.
Renee: Now, Q4.
Renee: The message that I got right at the top was, remembrance of a higher timeline.
Renee: This was very exciting.
Renee: Immediately, it felt like an up-level.
Renee: Bigger societal change and energetic change that you as an individual can feel whether or not you believe you're intuitive, which as we say on this podcast, you are.
Renee: And the card associated with it was the Nourish card.
Renee: And the mantra on it is, conscious eating nourishes me.
Renee: I'll say a caveat here, that sometimes when I pull this card, it does relate to, hey, maybe you're not like eating the best.
Renee: You've been having some junk and maybe think about what you're putting in your body.
Renee: But also this nourishment card presents for me in readings as reflecting on what you're consuming.
Renee: So that could be media, news, books, conversations, stories.
Renee: What are you letting into your space?
Renee: What are you consuming?
Renee: And taking stock of that to ask yourself, what's consuming you?
Renee: The main theme of Q is realignment.
Renee: You're trying to connect with the higher timeline.
Renee: In other words, a higher vibration, connecting with your highest self, your purpose, your growth, you're trying to up level.
Renee: Q, you're sticking on your track, you're still going, and you get the reward of that during Q, where you're having that up level experience.
Renee: Ultimately, this launches you into your next chapter of alignment, dot dot dot, 2026.
Renee: That's my reading.
Renee: What are your thoughts, Christine?
Christine: I definitely want to come back to your reading every quarter and see how they've manifested.
Christine: But it gives me hope that even though things are going to change, and the course is going to be a little wonky, it's not going to be straightforward.
Christine: It gives me hope that as a collective, we've been working really hard for a really long time, and it will be really nice to see the rewards or the fruits of our labor.
Christine: So I am encouraged by your reading.
Renee: Because this is going to be coming out in December of .
Renee: We encourage you to listen back to this episode every quarter.
Renee: If you wanted to follow my reading, it was structured by quarters.
Renee: Or if you wanted to follow the seasons changing, or you just wanted to listen at the midpoint and the end of the year, especially for the channeled messages, but also for everything that we've covered.
Renee: Because a lot of them were the energy of the entire year of the collective, and you're not going to see that necessarily in January.
Renee: It may take a little bit of time for the patterns and themes to be obvious.
Renee: Plus, for your profection year, your birthday isn't necessarily January 1st.
Renee: So if you're having a transition, you may want to come back to it at whatever point and check in on how things are going.
Christine: I love this.
Christine: Listener, I hope you love our readings as well.
Christine: Let us know what you think because we're curious.
Christine: Thanks for getting cozy and joining us on our 2025 forecast.
Christine: Happy holidays to everyone who's celebrating.
Christine: Happy New Year to anyone who's celebrating with the Gregorian calendar.
Christine: We'll see you all next year.
Renee: Bye everyone.
Christine: Thanks for listening.
Renee: If you'd like to learn more, the resources we used to prepare for this episode are listed in the show notes.
Christine: You can reach me, Christine, @channeledbychristine with one L on Instagram.
Renee: And you can reach me, Renee, @_readbyrenee, or connect with both of us via email at synergytosynastry@gmail.com.
Christine: Keep your spirit curious and your aura sparkling.
Renee: We'll see you when the star's next align.
Christine: Okay.
Renee: This brain is a bowl of spaghetti?
Christine: Yes, my brain, it feels like a bowl of spaghetti.
Renee: Is that a movie quote?
Christine: No, that's me trying to describe what my brain feels like.
Renee: It sounds like it should be in a movie or I didn't know if it was like some very unique like family expression or something.
Christine: Nope, just if you think about a bowl of spaghetti and how it's just like wiggly and weird, like that's my brain today.
Renee: What I say is my brain is mush.
Christine: Which I think is the common vernacular, not me because my brain is a bowl of spaghetti today.
Christine: Thanks for listening.
Renee: If you'd like to learn more, the resources we used to prepare for this episode are listed in the show notes.