Christine: Here we go, remember, we haven't spoken for a half hour already.
Renee: Hey, Christine.
Christine: Okay, so Renee, let's get our listeners situated for this first episode and tell them a little bit about ourselves.
Christine: I think you should go first.
Christine: And just tell us a little bit about you, your name, where you're from, like what corporate industry you were in before this.
Renee: All right, sounds good.
Renee: Hello, listeners, I'm Renee.
Renee: I currently live in Massachusetts.
Renee: I am 29, going on 30, and I was in healthcare data, I guess is the most succinct way to say industry.
Christine: Healthcare data.
Christine: I always, every time I heard data from you, I always sort of Chandler from Friends.
Christine: And I was like, she's in like data processing or data analysis, whatever he did.
Renee: What about you?
Christine: So, my name is Christine, I live in New York.
Christine: I am 36 years old.
Christine: We're actually seven years apart, which I feel like is gonna come up as a very important number as we continue through this series.
Christine: And my industry was finance.
Christine: I was specifically in electronic trading, which was a very interesting place to be.
Renee: As in challenging, I feel like that needs a lot of unpacking.
Renee: Women and finance in general.
Christine: Yeah, the culture was challenging.
Christine: The work was challenging.
Christine: I enjoyed the work.
Christine: I enjoyed a lot of people I worked with.
Christine: And there were some people that I just didn't enjoy working with so much.
Christine: It's definitely to all the women out there who are working in a male-dominated field, I see you, I hear you, you're not alone, and you're kicking ass, because I feel like that's something I would have loved to hear every day.
Christine: So now that we know where we've come from recently, let's go way back and talk about our first intuitive experiences, because as we've both learned, being an intuitive is not something that just turned up one day in .
Christine: It's actually something we've known about our whole lives.
First Intuitive Experiences
Christine: Renee, why don't you share with us what your first intuitive experience that you can remember was?
Renee: First thing actually that's come into mind, which I don't know, I find surprising because I wouldn't have thought I would say this is the first one.
Renee: But I just remember like kind of looking up and I saw like actually saw what looked like kind of an angelic figure.
Renee: I just bolted upright.
Renee: What was that?
Renee: Like, I just saw something.
Renee: Well, I can't replicate it.
Renee: I don't really know what that was.
Renee: So I guess that wasn't real.
Renee: I probably had other incidences or just knowledge kind of coming through that I just tuned out.
Renee: I just wrote it off.
Renee: And then it started increasing when I was in high school where I started having more predictive abilities.
Renee: So I would sit down in class.
Renee: And I remember this one day I was in Spanish class and I took out my notebook because, you know, eventually you're going to go over the questions and the teachers love just randomly calling on people.
Renee: And I sat there and I just went right to, I'm making up the number because I don't remember what it was, right to question eight.
Renee: You know, we didn't go over the homework for at least another half hour, but I was rereading question eight to myself over and over again so I would know how to say it.
Renee: And so it's, you know, at least a half hour later.
Renee: And of course, she just does a random call and she calls on me for that question.
Renee: So I'd like started being much more aware of this and having things that would be kind of real time and I'd be able to witness it in front of me.
Renee: Another story that ended up being a problem and a reason why it's important to listen to your intuition.
Renee: I tried to change that narrative as I got older.
Renee: When I was in college and I came home, I was picking my brother up from school.
Renee: So my mom normally did that, but I was home.
Renee: And she was like, girl, could you go get him?
Renee: I walked up to the front door and I just froze in place.
Renee: And I just had this really strong feeling overcome me of I shouldn't be driving.
Renee: I don't have a reason for why I shouldn't be going.
Renee: And so I had a whole conversation with myself.
Renee: I'm okay.
Renee: If I just went back into the office and I told my mom, I can't go, but I don't know why, she would just shut it down.
Renee: So I was like, I don't really know what to do with this.
Renee: I just stood there.
Renee: Well, I can't explain this.
Renee: So I guess I'm just going to have to go.
Renee: I picked him up and one of his friends.
Renee: And then there was a bunch of construction that day.
Renee: So they were like ripping up the roads.
Renee: I was trying to be careful.
Renee: And I didn't realize that there was a big long line of cars.
Renee: And just like, there was literally no damage on the car.
Renee: There was a guy in the back who then claimed he got whiplash.
Renee: And I had to go out testimony with the insurance and everything.
Renee: I had showed them the pictures, they didn't believe it.
Renee: They knew, they're like, this guy's full of crap, and he's just trying to get money.
Renee: But then what ended up happening was the cost of the insurance company going through the trial with him put a major accident surcharge on my license.
Renee: So it was like this big ripple effect consequence that happened because I hadn't listened to the fact that I was told not to go.
Christine: I feel like there are so many relatable things in your story.
Christine: One is why we should listen to our intuition, even if no one else understands it.
Christine: And the other thing is how we talk ourselves out of the things that happen because they don't align with what culture or society says is normal.
Christine: So you've got this angelic presence.
Christine: That's not normal.
Christine: So you talk yourself out of it.
Christine: And then this beautiful gift that you have sort of gets diluted because you're not recognizing it in the moment.
Christine: You're sort of saying, no, no, that's not it.
Christine: Wow.
Christine: And what a way for Spirit to teach you to listen to your intuition, a two-year ordeal.
Renee: I continue to have experiences, and I would joke about it with my friends.
Renee: We all started joking like, oh, ha ha, Renee, it's like it, because I would just have these weird senses about things.
Renee: I'd be like, oh, something significant is going to happen on this date in the calendar.
Renee: And so we'd circle it and see what ended up happening that day because I would have these intuitions, but I didn't know what it was.
Renee: There's probably so many that I don't even remember, but I still have many, many stories I can look back on of times where I predicted something, I sensed something, I knew something was going on.
Renee: I couldn't explain having that knowledge or having that feeling.
Renee: I will turn it back over to you, Christine.
Renee: So why don't you tell us what your first experiences were in your arc?
Christine: It's funny the first experience that you highlighted, you were in your bed and you were young, because that's what I highlighted as one of my first experiences too.
Christine: In the house that I grew up in, the laundry room was on the top floor, and it was right next to my bedroom.
Christine: And at night, my bed would shake.
Christine: And my mom would be like, it's the washing machine.
Christine: The washing machine is shaking, so your bed is shaking.
Christine: And I'd be like, yeah, but the washing machine is not on, and my bed is shaking.
Christine: What is this?
Christine: So throughout my childhood, I always had very intense dreams, dreams that predicted things.
Christine: I dream every night.
Christine: I've had people who have passed on visit me in my dreams, and this started from as long as I can remember.
Christine: While I was having these intense dreams and my bed was shaking, I would get a little scared at night because, you know, so much was happening.
Christine: You know what?
Christine: It was either during the process of going to psychic school or reading with a medium where I was basically told one of my spirit guides came through, and they have been the one shaking my bed.
Christine: They were like, I think I'm scaring her.
Christine: And I was like, yeah, you're scaring me.
Christine: Can you stop?
Christine: So the night after, which I was reading that was, which I'm an adult, I'm like in my s at this point, I go to bed and the bed starts shaking.
Christine: I felt like I was in more control now because I knew what it was.
Christine: And I was like, I hear you.
Christine: I know you're here.
Christine: Can you show yourself in a different way that's not shaking my bed?
Christine: And it hasn't happened since.
Christine: So if you're out there and your bed is shaking, there's hope.
Christine: Which sounds very strange.
Renee: Did you look?
Renee: Were you looking at the bed post versus the wall, and you were literally seeing that the bed was moving?
Renee: Or was it just that you had the sensation that it was shaking?
Christine: From what I remember, I definitely felt the sensation.
Christine: But it was always when it was dark in my room, so I never.
Christine: And then once it was shaking, I was not getting out of that bed.
Christine: If there was something under the bed, I was not interacting with it.
Christine: And then going back to the dreams, the dreams were kind of interesting.
Christine: One dream that stands out, and I still remember to this day, my grandmother, who is now one of my guardian angels, passed away when I was in middle school.
Christine: And I went to sleep one night, and I had a dream that my dad was telling me, like my grandma, who had passed, was on the phone or she was here to see me.
Christine: The connection for her to get through wasn't fully mature yet.
Christine: So I couldn't fully hear her.
Christine: And over time, the connection would get more and more clear.
Christine: So even though I went through life like you, sort of tampering down my experiences or talking myself out of them, in my dream state is where all of these messages would come in because I didn't tamper them down there.
Christine: And I thought it was normal.
Christine: I thought people dreamt and spoke to their deceased relatives all the time in their dreams.
Christine: And final story, I'm like, Dad, I had a really weird dream, but I'm just going to tell you what it was.
Christine: Aunt Rose, in the form of a chicken cutlet, on a plate with mashed potatoes, told me, she has your friend Bobby.
Christine: And he just, his mouth dropped.
Christine: He turned a little pale.
Christine: He's like, Christine, my friend Bobby just passed away.
Christine: And that was his favorite meal that Aunt Rosie made.
Christine: And I was young.
Christine: I had to be in middle school or early high school when it happened.
Christine: Those are odd things to explain to other people who aren't into it.
Renee: Yeah, totally.
Renee: I love those stories.
Renee: I can definitely connect.
Renee: We're going to have a future episode as a tease on Dreams, and I can relate to a lot of what you were talking about.
Renee: And I also think I had some similar, almost mediumship-like experiences of just definitely over the years, sensing a presence.
Renee: But I thought I was just a little kid who was getting scared because I had watched a movie or a trailer, and it was like freaking me out or something and not realizing, okay, I probably was walking home from school, and there was somebody with me, but I didn't know who it was.
Renee: Super, super interesting.
Renee: So the next thing that we wanted to talk about was, we have all these experiences, we're writing them off over the years, they're kind of starting to escalate.
Renee: We're increasingly talking to other people about them.
Renee: What happened in your experience where you decided one day, I'm going to research a psychic development program and sign up?
Christine: Well, for me, I wasn't even researching it.
Christine: So this was probably .
Christine: We're all locked in our homes, and we're working from home.
Christine: Those of us who had the ability to do so, I was one of them.
Christine: And just thinking about what's really important in life, it's not work.
Christine: Work is not the most important thing in my world, which had been for a very long time.
Christine: And I was looking at different resources to sort of understand like, okay, what comes next?
Christine: Because for me, what came next was always the next promotion, the next role, the next education.
Christine: It was never like, how do I be happy?
Christine: I signed up to work with a life coach for three months.
Christine: And I feel like I'm very neutral about the experience.
Christine: It just wasn't what I needed.
Christine: After I finished the three months, I didn't want to continue because I felt like I needed something different.
Christine: I don't know when I started following Nirvana.
Christine: It might have even been like a Daily Candy article.
Christine: I know that Degunit, the woman who founded Nirvana, references this all the time.
Christine: I wasn't a Daily Candy subscriber, but I had been following Nirvana for a while, and it just sort of popped up that they had this Trust Your Intuition program.
Christine: That's how I read it.
Christine: I think it has another name, but I kept calling it the Trust Your Intuition program.
Christine: And I was like, oh, this is interesting, and I would read up about it.
Christine: And the premise of the program was to learn how to trust your intuition because you're probably psychic.
Christine: But I didn't get past the first part.
Christine: I just thought whatever happens here, I'm probably not psychic, but I will learn how to trust my intuition more so I can make better decisions, right?
Christine: I can find more fulfilling roles in my job.
Christine: I can find more fulfilling people and relationships.
Christine: I can stop second guessing my decisions or wondering if I made the right one.
Christine: Fine.
Christine: So I end up signing up for the program, and it turns out we get to the portion where we're doing psychic readings, and I'm like, oh, I am psychic.
Christine: And not only am I psychic, it comes to me easily.
Christine: So that was the catalyst, like opening up my brain for all of the emotions and things that I had tamped down over the years of remember when you had that dream, and remember when you had that gut feeling and you followed it and it was correct, and remember when you did it and it was also correct?
Christine: That was your intuition, and that intuition was actually your psychic ability.
Renee: So what happened for me was, so it was January, in and around January , so the dawn of COVID.
Renee: And I just, I don't know why, but I just had this nagging, which now I know was an intuition, and messages from my guides, of maybe I'm actually intuitive.
Renee: Maybe I have, maybe there's something to this.
Renee: I don't know why.
Renee: I just, I started thinking about it a lot.
Renee: And then I think short, somewhere in the same time period, probably the same January , my now stepdad, we were just having a chat in the kitchen one day, and I don't even know what we were talking about.
Renee: And he just looked at me, and he was saying something to the effect of, well, what if you're actually intuitive?
Renee: Or like, you seem like you're really intuitive.
Renee: Like, maybe you should look into that.
Renee: Maybe there's something more to it.
Renee: And I'm like, I've been thinking about that recently.
Renee: So the fact that now I have a real person telling me something that I kind of was just floating around the back of my head felt affirming.
Renee: Because I was like, he doesn't know any of this background, and yet he's just randomly telling me this.
Renee: And so what I started doing around the same time was I was looking at podcasts because your girl loves podcasts.
Renee: So I was like, okay, there's got to be a podcast on intuition.
Renee: So I started following the first one that came up, which was So You Think You're Intuitive and Natalie Miles.
Renee: And so the whole premise of it is you're just discussing different topics and how you can harness your intuition.
Renee: And if you're questioning it, it was the perfect thing for me to be listening to.
Renee: So then we get up to my birthday, which is in March.
Renee: And I kind of was on this track.
Renee: I had been listening to this podcast.
Renee: I was thinking about it more.
Renee: I was trying to reflect.
Renee: I had started at the same time journaling my dreams.
Renee: It was the same thing.
Renee: I just felt like, I think I should write these down.
Renee: I don't know why, but I think I should write them down.
Renee: So I started doing it every night.
Renee: And so now this is going on for a few months, and it gets to my birthday, and my family is like, oh, what do you want for your birthday?
Renee: And I said, I want a psychic reading.
Renee: And so I had been listening to this other podcast, and one of the people in the main crew had a side business that was automatic pen writing.
Renee: So it's like, I've been listening to this podcast for years.
Renee: It's almost like I know him, even though I don't know him.
Renee: So I booked a reading with him, and what I had kind of kept to myself was, I really hope he says something about me being psychic.
Renee: I didn't tell anybody this.
Renee: I just thought it, because I had been wondering this for several months.
Renee: I was actually seriously contemplating it.
Renee: And that was what the entire reading was about.
Renee: It was my great-grandmother stepping forward, and she's a spirit guide for me, and talking about, I needed to take this seriously.
Renee: I could be helping so many people.
Renee: And I still go back to the notes that I took on that first reading with him.
Renee: But what he specifically said was, they're telling me you need to sign up for a school.
Renee: I researched.
Renee: I found that they had more of like a casual program ahead of the mentorship, which we were both in.
Renee: So I signed up for that.
Renee: And that entailed just a monthly group call.
Renee: And then you had access to certain activations or meditations on the platform.
Renee: So the first month I was able to join was May.
Renee: So I started in May 2021.
Nuurvana Be Light Program
Renee: And then they announced the mentorship program, which started in the fall, which is what we both ended up participating in.
Renee: And I was like, okay, well, I definitely, something was happening.
Renee: Like I was connecting to some of the exercises, but I wasn't sitting there thinking just like what you said, oh, I'm gonna do psychic readings.
Renee: And like, I could even do that.
Renee: I'm like, I just think I have an intuition that I should be nurturing fall , which is when we started the BeLight program, which was the mentorship program.
Renee: There were two options for the program at the time.
Renee: So I did the virtual program.
Renee: So it was self-guided, but there were several live sessions that you could attend.
Renee: So I tried to keep up with the material and I did just like you were in any school.
Renee: You would have readings every week, yoga videos that you could do, which I loved, different meditations, journaling exercises.
Renee: So there'd be a mix of different activities you do every week to essentially build the muscles, to try different methodologies, see what resonates.
Renee: So I did the virtual version, but Christine, you did the live guided version.
Renee: So what was that like?
Christine: Yeah, I did the live version.
Christine: And for our listeners, Renee is so good at just getting work done.
Christine: You give Renee a project, you give her some tasks, she can look at it and work through it.
Christine: I have shiny object syndrome, where I will get whatever I need, and then immediately look to my left, see a shiny object, and completely forget what I was doing.
Christine: So I signed up for the live, because if I wasn't being held accountable by having to meet with people at least once a week, I was probably not going to do it.
Christine: And this was a big investment, so that's why I signed up for the live.
Christine: So basically what we did is we had a guiding light.
Christine: So there were, I think, four different guiding lights.
Christine: We were the house of the sage mystics.
Christine: It was kind of like being sorted into your Hogwarts house.
Christine: Every house was like run by a guiding light who basically had already, was already like part of Nirvana, right?
Christine: They give readings professionally.
Christine: They've done all the work that we're doing.
Christine: They were here to guide us.
Christine: And then there were three or four people, I think, in each cohort.
Christine: Mine had three, and we would meet once a week for two hours to review the course material for that week.
Christine: And then every other week, we would have a one-on-one with our guiding light to sort of go through the course material.
Christine: If you had questions, you could ask questions.
Christine: But I needed that to be held accountable and to continue to focus, because it was a six-month semester.
Christine: I was doing all of that like Renee was doing, except I had people that I had to report to regularly to let them know what I was doing, what I was having trouble with, and sort of talking about it more.
Christine: So I loved the in-person program.
Christine: I'm still friendly with my cohort members today.
Christine: Yeah, it was a great experience for me.
Renee: Love that.
Renee: So ultimately, we were in different wings of the program, but we would see each other from afar on a Zoom call when we had the different ceremonies.
Renee: I think there were maybe four of those, and then there were other practice sessions.
Renee: We would practice different techniques and reading in an observed setting and get feedback.
Renee: And so we were at some of those.
Renee: Also, that intensive that was in the spring, you participated in that, right?
Christine: The Healing Labs, yeah.
Christine: I actually don't remember who I read.
Renee: Yeah, because it was a combination of we read people, we read students, but then we also had another event where we were able to bring guests in.
Renee: And so then you were doing.
Renee: So I know I did both.
Renee: So there was something where I read up here, and I don't remember.
Renee: I know that you were there, because I remember it was a small enough group.
Renee: So we were interacting in that sense through that setting.
Renee: I started meeting regularly because we did these, I think it was like light partners or like buddies or something.
Renee: I forget what they.
Renee: partners in light or something like that.
Renee: I got paired with our friend Hallie.
Renee: And so, you know, and that was another thing.
Renee: I knew we were going to get paired.
Renee: You know, I just knew it.
Renee: I was like, I picked the name from the list.
Renee: I was like, I'm getting paired with Hallie, and that's what happened.
Renee: And so we were meeting regularly, like maybe like every couple of weeks or something.
Renee: And then as the program came to an end, you know, we started meeting with our friend Lisa too.
Renee: So again, as another preview for our listeners, we're going to have both Hallie and Lisa on the podcast in future episodes.
Renee: And so we said, oh, well, the program's over, but we all want to stay in touch.
Renee: And we wanted to keep practicing and leveraging each other as resources for readings.
Renee: So Hallie, Lisa and I were meeting monthly.
Renee: And so was our witchy Wednesdays, even though they didn't always fall on a Wednesday.
Renee: But you were friendly with Lisa because you had been in the same cohort.
Renee: So that's kind of how you got brought into the group.
Renee: And we just got to a certain point where, you know, Christine would ask a question to the group, and I'd sit there and I'd be trying to read into it.
Renee: And I'm like, I'm going through the exact same thing.
Renee: I can't be objective here.
Renee: And that's something that we had learned in the schools.
Renee: If you're having what Deganit calls matching pictures, it's almost like it's causing a block.
Renee: And so you need to neutralize and you need to clear in order to be able to provide any guidance.
Renee: So I was having some issues with some of the questions Christine had asked, and she had the same thing with me at other points.
Renee: And then we started actually having life events mirroring each other.
Podcast Origin Story
Renee: It was definitely like a good six month cycle from mid 2023 into January 2024.
Christine: Starting mid last year, I think I got laid off and Renee ended a relationship.
Christine: And then I started a business.
Christine: I ended a relationship and my uncle died.
Christine: And then Renee got laid off, started a business.
Christine: And unfortunately, her grandfather passed away.
Christine: And it was that last one.
Christine: I remember we were texting, and she told me that her grandfather passed away, and I felt terrible.
Christine: And I was like, I was really hoping that last part of our parallel lives wasn't going to happen for you.
Christine: But it did.
Christine: And so those kind of, I mean, major life events in general always cause us to think about deeper things.
Christine: But that's what kind of brought us together to start talking about, why are we having these parallel life events happening?
Christine: And what is it about our relationship that is so meaningful?
Christine: And that's kind of how this podcast came together.
Christine: And we were like, we got to share this with the people.
Renee: I went back into our text history to see some of the origins of where this idea came from.
Renee: So the first text that I have is from August 31st.
Renee: And so I remember it clear as day, I was in my kitchen.
Renee: I was putting away the dishes.
Renee: And all of a sudden, I have this, you know, little message come into my brain.
Renee: And it was asked Christine if she's ever thought of doing a podcast.
Renee: And I was like, I'm getting shows as I'm saying this.
Renee: I was like, okay, fine.
Renee: I've learned enough by that point.
Renee: If I have messages coming in, it never hurts to say something you never know.
Renee: So I texted that to Christine, and she said, oh, like, I'm listening to a podcast right now.
Renee: And I was like, wow, kindred spirits, because that's probably what I was doing, because we love listening to podcasts.
Renee: And so then you were saying, you know, interesting, but that's something that you had kind of thought about.
Renee: So the idea kind of originated there, and we had other back and forth over the course of those several months, mid last year, going through to January, where I had different readings done, so I had a psychic reading done.
Renee: And then January, I had a chart reading done, and that kind of reignited the conversation, because I kept getting that message over and over and over again about it's important for me to use my voice and talk to people and share stories.
Renee: And other people objectively who don't know that I've had this conversation with Christine are telling me, oh, you could do a podcast.
Renee: And of course, as one does, I would have that imposter syndrome response of, what do I even have to say?
Renee: I couldn't do that.
Renee: I just consume podcasts.
Renee: I don't make one.
Renee: After I had that natal chart reading, I messaged Christine and I said, all right.
Renee: It came up again.
Renee: She's telling me to do a podcast.
Renee: And I want to find the actual quote here.
Renee: Because you were saying, oh, I was just thinking about that earlier.
Renee: For my year, so , I pulled two of Cubs and Tarot, and that's what the podcast would encompass.
Renee: So for you, the energy and messages that you were getting for was to collaborate.
Renee: And what I was getting was that I needed to use my voice and I needed to talk to people and I needed to make big changes.
Renee: We're both saying to ourselves, okay, we can't seriously be talking about this.
Renee: Maybe if we just commit to doing a certain number and we just stick to it together, even though we're both scared, then you know what, it'll just be a healing exercise and we could just close up shop afterwards unless we love it and then we could keep going.
Renee: So that was where the conversation started.
Renee: And then we decided, you know what, let's just have a video call and we'll chat about this.
Renee: And if we can't even come up with any ideas of what we'd want to talk about, we'll just table it.
Renee: But we felt like we owed it to our guides, the universe at large, because there was enough messages by this point that we were both getting.
Renee: We've had several meetings leading up to today when we were recording this.
Renee: I just looked at the clock.
Renee: It's , we love that.
Renee: We wanted to touch on what the format of the show will be.
Renee: Christine, you want to give a little overview for that?
Christine: Yeah, sure.
Christine: So at the end of every podcast, we're going to channel a message for our listeners, which is the collective.
Christine: So if you're listening to this, when we do these collective readings, take what resonates, leave what doesn't.
Christine: In our process for doing readings is we basically will get into our, we call it our psychic space, we get into our mind's eye and we sort of get neutral in our emotions and we'll channel into the energy of the collective.
Christine: So during a psychic reading, I feel like what makes our readings so great, I'm going to use the word great, is that we channel into the energy that we're working with and we co-create with it.
Christine: So we'll channel into the energy, we'll start seeing images in our mind and we'll share with you what those images are.
Christine: And then we start to use all of our clairs, so clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and we'll start to see here and feel things and we'll share that with you, the audience.
Christine: And then at the end of the reading, we usually give our clients a mantra.
Christine: So we're going to give the audience a mantra.
Christine: You'll probably get two mantras because there's two of us.
Christine: I don't think we've ever done a group reading and had the same mantra, but never say never.
Christine: And then at the end of that reading, you can do whatever you want with the mantra.
Christine: You can repeat it to yourself while you meditate.
Christine: You can stick it on your mirror and look at it every morning, or you could listen to it once and say, that was nice, and keep going on with your life.
Christine: But that's sort of the process for our reading.
Christine: I was about to be like, do you have any questions?
Christine: But we're not all out of time.
Christine: All right, so what I'm seeing, and this looks so, so fun, is just this like literal candy land adventure.
Christine: Everything's pastels, there's like unicorns walking around, and it feels like just a buffet of candy.
Christine: And it feels like the message here is more so about this podcast and what you can sort of get out of it.
Christine: Like this is gonna be a buffet of the most fun candy that you're allowing yourself to indulge in for whatever small time period, maybe a half hour, minutes a week.
Christine: It feels like this isn't a place you would go typically because everything here is so different, right?
Christine: I mean, we have unicorns walking around.
Christine: It's not a place you would typically go, but the fact that you can go here is so exciting.
Christine: And I'm seeing like the listener sort of like picking up different types of cotton candy and different sweets and things they've never seen before and things that they're trying.
Christine: And there was like a million different booths so it just feels like this is going to be an exploratory space for you, the listener, to sort of like pick out what you want and what you want to dabble in.
Christine: If you really like the sweet candies on the left side, you can go and play there.
Christine: If you want to go check out the stuff on the right, you can go there.
Christine: If you want to go fly on a Pegasus, you can go do that.
Christine: Basically, the message that I'm getting is take what you want from this podcast, have a lot of fun with it, but it looks like you're going to have a really good time cherry picking what you like and what you're learning.
Renee: I was seeing a book, and the pages are fluttering, and then it's like somebody comes in, just like slaps it to stop, like in a page, not to close the book.
Renee: So it just stops on a page.
Renee: And then what I was seeing is like written, really, really large and just being circled, like over and over and over and over and over again.
Renee: So I was looking to, I was like, okay, well, is this supposed to be a day?
Renee: And I was like, well, it's February, February th has already passed.
Renee: This is not feeling like yours seemed like it was related to the podcast.
Renee: This feels like this is like a very niche, like this could even be for like three people that listen to this.
Renee: The 11 is just being circled like over and over.
Renee: It's like bright red being circled as a point of emphasis, as a point of reconnection and grounding.
Renee: I'm just getting like grounding and grounding and having support.
Renee: Just the number .
Renee: It's not that it's repeating.
Renee: It's just looking specifically for as it's appearing for you.
Renee: I'm seeing like it's on a license plate.
Renee: It's on, okay.
Renee: It's on a plane ticket.
Renee: Like this is very specific.
Renee: It's not even, oh, it's on, it's not on a clock, which is one of the most common ways that I see it on clocks all the time.
Renee: I did it earlier in this podcast.
Renee: It's being tied to different modes of transportation.
Renee: So license plates, train tickets, plane tickets, showing that it's a supported path.
Renee: Like that's the journey that you're gonna go on.
Renee: That's the trip that you're gonna go on.
Renee: And if you're seeing that the is there, then following it.
Christine: That's amazing.
Christine: So while I was just sitting with the rest of my image and trying to pull a mantra for you guys, the suggested practice that came up and I'm known for giving spiritual homework is to be curious because I'm seeing like a little child almost looking and peeking into every stall that calls its name.
Christine: Try it out, see what it feels like while you're in your day-to-day life.
Christine: Maybe you'll notice the number that Renee has brought up.
Christine: And the mantra that I've channeled is, I've let my inner child indulge.
Christine: So let your inner child do their thing.
Christine: I've also found doing a lot of this work that inner child work has been so helpful in healing triggers from the past and things like that.
Christine: So I encourage you, let your inner child indulge.
Christine: It'll be a really great time.
Christine: Have the candies.
Renee: Have the candies.
Renee: That should be the inspired action.
Renee: Go have the candy.
Christine: Yes.
Renee: I just keep getting over and over ground to , ground through .
Renee: And the action is more about paying attention and then using mindfulness looking inward of, okay, well, what does that represent?
Renee: What journey does that represent for me?
Renee: Not just, okay, well, this plane ticket is taking me to Maui.
Renee: What does it mean for you to go to Maui?
Renee: What grounding does that do for you?
Renee: So it's more of a call to explore once you see that.
Renee: So that's the invitation for you to pause and reflect on what that trip big or small would be and what that would represent for you.
Renee: If this resonates with you at all, either of our messages or the mantras, feel free to contact us.
Renee: We do have an email, and it's synergytosynastry.gmail.com.
Renee: We will be reading anything that comes through.
Renee: We welcome you to reach out and let us know how it's resonated.
Renee: And you also can ask us any questions.
Renee: We're happy to even elaborate on anything that we've already talked about today or we kind of glossed over.
Renee: So we can definitely include it, even if it's not specifically related to one of the topics that we've picked, because we wanna engage people.
Renee: The goal here is to connect everybody through learning, through communication, through our collaboration, but we want it to be a community for people to have the discourse.
Christine: Yeah, that was great, Renee.
Christine: You said it all.
Christine: Thanks for listening.
Christine: We hope you'll join us again.
Christine: You can reach me, Christine, @channeledbychristine with one L on Instagram.
Renee: And you can reach me, Renee, @_readbyrenee on Instagram.
Renee: And you can reach both of us via our Gmail account, synergytosynastry.gmail.com.
Christine: Thank you.
Christine: Stay classy, San Diego.
Christine: I know if I know.
Renee: What is that?
Renee: Stay classy, San Diego?
Renee: Is that Full House?
Christine: Did you never see Anchorman?
Renee: Oh no, I haven't seen that.
Christine: What?
Christine: I used to watch the movie and just speak the whole thing, and people would get annoyed because that's how much I loved it.
Renee: Because you could go through like pretty much the whole script?
Christine: Yeah.
Christine: I have a lot of lines right now that I'm not saying, but after you watch the movie, I will say.
Renee: The closest thing that I have to that is Twilight.
Renee: I definitely can't quote the whole movie, but I know a lot of very obscure lines.
Christine: I love it.
Renee: So what we'll be doing in this podcast for our dear listeners is Christine will throw in subtle increment references that only those fans will get, and I will throw in Twilight references that only Twi-Hards will get.
Christine: All right.
Christine: So we don't have a sign offline yet.
Christine: It's not going to be Stay Classy, San Diego.
Renee: But now we have a mission.