Read the Entire Channeled Message for January 2025:
A flurry of snow whisks on to the scene. It seems we’re beginning January 2025 by picking up right where the December forecast ended, out in a winter blizzard! The wind begins to slow and your vision is clearer as the whiteout conditions diminish. It's time for a new era of life and opportunity! Once your eyes finish adjusting there's an oasis so stark in contrast that you turn around to confirm it's not a mirage. There's a distinct line between the energetics of 2024 and 2025, and you're on a mission to embrace it to transform. You ended the year on a more empowered note, and this sense of mission and purpose carries you into the New Year.
Suddenly you're holding a silver scepter and lift it up towards the sky, causing it to refract light in a shower of rainbow prisms. Your majestic aura seeks to connect and share your passion with the world. A crown atop your head, cape draped across your shoulders and down your back, you launch ahead with grandeur and attract community through gleaming wisdom. When you're ready to establish a throne to bask in everything you've created, be certain to adorn it with gratitude, self-love, and compassion. This is not a time to get an inflated ego, but rather a period of commanding your energy and impact, reinforcing boundaries, and holding space to truly honor yourself. Talk about new year, new you! Lean in to expansion while also taking pleasure in this chapter.