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Monthly Channeled Message - February 2025

Read by Renee Monthly Channeled Psychic Message for February 2025. Let the Adventure Begin. A distant storm approaches, but you expertly ride the wave with minimal impact. As the collective energy shifts, you reckon with the idea that even in distancing yourself from society, the ripple effect will undoubtedly reach you eventually. Embrace and embody change as you reject financial intimidation, wasted time, and systemic corruption, by leveraging your own version of resistance. You're redirecting  efforts towards the most fruitful outcomes and  confidently put the full weight of your name behind these decisions. You’re taking back your power.

Read the Entire Channeled Message for February 2025:

The initial image I received was of a rubber ducky floating gently on the surface of water. Suddenly a storm is visible in the distance and fast-moving in towards it. The wave underneath crests high, but the duck stays closely linked to the water's surface and successfully rides the tsunami-like wave with only a few droplets of water caught on its wings.

Next, there's Moroccan-style music playing softly – it's interesting to see repeated representations of events off in the distance approaching as though we're in a vacuum and slightly detached (by choice) to our surroundings. Even when we try to separate ourselves by venturing so far out from the shore, the happenings in the world and in our close-knits circles will undoubtedly reach us eventually. The initial image of the incoming wave feels like a challenge that's been brewing for a while, while the playful and spiritual music is emerging as an energetic shift this month.

"When you bank on change, it's infinitely easier to play the game." I'm seeing a Monopoly board with the banker oversized and inflated. While money is often discussed for most people already in their day-to-day, this topic is taking on a unique quality of dominance in February. There's intimidation, acquisition, counter-negotiation, and resistance. Then it's "your turn to take the king" (HP anyone? Haha). You heard and saw enough of the corruption, wasted resources, and most importantly lost time. You're now redirecting your efforts towards the most fruitful outcomes and you're confident to put the full weight of your name behind these decisions.

When all is said and done, as February 2025 comes to a close, you're taking your power back in the financial domain, as well as for any other symbols of power. You're ready to drive forward with new ambition and determination to succeed with the wind behind your sails, eyes to the stars, and feet grounded beneath you. Let the adventure begin!


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