As a fan of journaling and data collection, it was only fitting to create some trackers to better understand the energetics of my personal astrology! I'd learned quickly at the start of my astro self-exploration journey that the moon rules my Natal Chart (as a Cancer Rising). This component suggests my energy, moods, and focus shift each time the moon enters a new sign. I decided to follow the cycle through the zodiac and identify any patterns. Initially, I documented energy levels, activities from each day, and dream topics, grouped by the Moon Sign. I compiled a ton of information (clearly too much!), and had difficulty spotting consistent patterns, month over month. Eventually, I tried again, on a smaller scale, using It's Just a Phase: Journaling with the Moon by Stephanie Powers.
It's Just a Phase
In Stephanie's 2022 workbook, she discusses the high and low vibrational energies of each zodiac sign. High and low vibes in astrology refer to how the traits of a particular zodiac sign manifests. As an example, with one trait: a high vibe side of Pisces is being imaginative, while a low vibe side is being escapist. You can frame high vibration as healthy and supportive, while low vibration is often a form of dysfunction. The duality established within the archetypes creates space for all manners of expression via each sign. With the moon changing signs every 2-3 days, it takes around one month for this luminary to transit all 12 astrological signs. It's Just a Phase allows you to follow these energetic shifts for 3 months and reflect on your experiences along the way.
The Data Collection Process
Call it divine timing, but I'd decided to start using this journal at the kick-off of Virgo Season (i.e., my Natal Moon Sign), which happened to be the first day of an Aries Moon (i.e., the beginning of the zodiac)! I used the Notes App in my phone to track the date, Moon Sign, activities, and my mental and emotional state everyday. Naturally I set a daily reminder in my phone, but it quickly became habitual to document my experiences in shorthand. In fact, it was a lot harder to break this habit once the three months were completed! The next phase of collection was transferring this data into a spreadsheet, sorted by Moon Sign and Activities. To clean up my notes and prepare for analysis, I added a Themes column. I read the longer list of Activities, extracted anything that reoccurred, and populated these cells. Finally, I reviewed the Themes and matched them to the corresponding Astrological Houses.
In astrology, the Natal Chart is divided into 12 Houses capturing distinct areas of someone's life. For example, the 1st House is identity, life force, motivation, and physical appearance. If I got a haircut, was preoccupied with my body (positively or negatively), or had a minor identity crisis, then those activities would fall under the 1st House! After flagging these matches in a separate column, I created two more to include the actual Houses corresponding with the given zodiac sign, per my Birth Chart. This step functioned as a check on how closely what I'd experienced over those 3 months synced up with the life areas baked into my cosmic blueprint. For the sake of a little granularity, I made one column for the Whole Sign House System and another for the Placidus House System. It looked a little something like this:
Moon Sign | Activities | Themes | House Themes | Whole | Placidus |
Aries | Networking, Synchronicity, Optimism, Dreams*, Podcast, Social, Travel, Exercise, Grocery Shopping, Tired*, Trip Planning, RBR Planning, Virtual Date, Relationship Honesty, Journal Analysis, Reading, Insight Timer Event, Social, Dentist | Heightened Dreams, Tired, RBR Business Growth, Direct & Optimistic | 9, 10 | 10 | 9 |
Taurus | Tired*, Drove, Design*, RBR Event, Research, Exercise, Travel, Chores, Flight, Writing, Reading, Social, Music | Tired, Design & Creativity, Social | 5, 11 | 11 | 10, 11 |
Decoding the Moon Signs
What does it all mean? Unlike the first time I completed this exercise, I had crystal clear trends! As you'll see in the summary table below, the House Themes I identified for my activities and experiences during each moon transit coincided with my actual Natal Houses in 11 out of 12 cases. Those are some strong correlations (as well as synchronicities – for my woo friends)! The irony of the single misalignment being in my Rising Sign of Cancer (i.e., the reason for creating these trackers in the first place) was certainly not lost on me!
Moon Sign | House Themes | Whole Sign | Placidus |
Aries | 9, 10 | 10 | 9 |
Taurus | 5, 11 | 11 | 10, 11 |
Gemini | 6, 9, 11, 12 | 12 | 11, 12 |
Cancer | 3, 6, 5, 10 | 1 | 12, 1 |
Leo | 1, 3, 6 | 2 | 1, 2 |
Virgo | 3, 5, 6, 10 | 3 | 2, 3 |
Libra | 3, 4, 5 | 4 | 3, 4 |
Scorpio | 5, 6, 10 | 5 | 4, 5 |
Sagittarius | 5, 6, 10 | 6 | 5, 6 |
Capricorn | 6, 9, 11 | 7 | 6, 7 |
Aquarius | 6, 8, 9 | 8 | 7, 8 |
Pisces | 6, 9, 10 | 9 | 8, 9 |
The House Themes matched either one or both of the true Houses across these tracked months. Given that there's always other astro weather happening outside of the moon, and this tracking period was a seemingly random and brief snippet in the course of my entire life, how strong truly is the link? I don't plan on tracking and analyzing my every move in relation to the Moon Signs for the rest of my life –– but it's a fun gut check into how in sync I am with the energy embedded within my Natal Chart!
Note: we always have the option to intentionally lean into the energies of not only the House(s) but the Moon Sign itself. Maybe most 2H Leo moon periods are solid opportunities to build my business, check on my personal finances, and reflect on my values and sense of self-worth. They also offer an energetic window to embrace Leo's high vibe confidence and creativity as well as fall into low vibe egocentrism and drama. The choice is mine, whatever the collective astro weather and personal transits that may occur!
Planetary Energy Tracking
While everyone can experience the energy shifts of the moon, people whose Natal Chart is ruled by this luminary are the most attuned. Want to know if that's you? Through Read by Renee I provide Natal Astrology Readings to support you in deciphering your Birth Chart! My Natal Chart Overview offering, identifies your Chart Ruler(s) and respective transit cadence(s) through the zodiac. With these insights, you'll discover which planet(s) signal the most powerful shifts in your day-to-day! I share the year ahead ingresses and retrogrades so you can keep an eye on your Chart Ruler(s) and jumpstart the process of engaging with planetary energies.
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