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Synergy to Synastry: Spirit Talk with Ocean Parker (S1E8) Podcast Transcript


Christine: Welcome back to Synergy to Synastry with Christine and Renee.

Christine: We're excited to have you back for episode eight, and we have a real treat for you this episode.

Christine: We wanna thank our listeners who have already rated and reviewed the podcast, and we wanna encourage our listeners to continue to rate, review, and share the podcast with your family and friends as a way to help the podcast grow and continue to inspire others.

Christine: So the reason we've invited you here today, aside from being one of our wonderful psychic friends, is because we've both been impacted by the death of loved ones recently, and we've also been dabbling in mediumship with your guidance.

Ocean Parker Bio & Introduction to Mediumship

Renee: Today, we have our friend, Ocean.

Renee: Ocean is a psychic medium and psychotherapist who loves unanswerable questions as well as questions with a lot of different answers.

Renee: They help people heal through mediumship and other intuitive and spiritual practices.

Renee: Ocean, thank you for joining.

Renee: How are you feeling?

Ocean: Oh, I'm so excited.

Ocean: I love talking about mediumship and healing.

Ocean: So this is going to be so much fun.

Christine: How did you get into mediumship?

Ocean: Okay, so I was working as a psychotherapist.

Ocean: I had a private practice and I primarily treat people with anxiety, underserved people and queer people.

Ocean: Even though I loved my clients, I got really burnt out during the pandemic, like a lot of therapists. And I don't know where it came from, but I started just searching and I found a class.

Ocean: It took me, I want to say like six months before I really started feeling any energy, like other spirits. And so I was like, is this real?

Ocean: Because at that point, I was pretty agnostic, like leaning towards atheists, but I really feel like my soul was leading me here because my human self was like skeptical, but my soul was like, no, this is the journey, let's keep going. And I meditated like an hour every day.

Ocean: When you first start, spirit will show themselves a lot more strong than they do later on. I started getting like full body energy bursts, I guess I don't know how to explain it, but just I knew that it wasn't me because the human body, I just had never experienced that. I knew that it was something else and that scared me and like surprised me, but also made me wanna keep going deeper.

Ocean: And that was like the start of really my pivot into mediumship as a career. And I think it's interesting that your soul knew where to lead you even though your brain was like, I don't think this is it, blah, blah, blah. And your soul's like, no, no, let's keep going.

Ocean: Had you only had experiences and connecting with spirits after you started doing this work or had you had instances prior to?I think at 14 was my first one where my grandma died, like seven years before that. Games who start when they're kids, it can be a little traumatic because then they're expected to like read for adults and it can be not the best for their development.

Ocean: But this was when I was aware of her starting to communicate with me. And then my grandfather died when I was 18. And after he died, he came like an hour later. I saw him with like all of my senses and he wasn't talking with his mouth, but he was communicating with me that he was okay. That didn't scare me at all, cause these were my grandparents.

Ocean: Like I don't know what it means, but great. Like I know that they're doing well and that they're here with me. And then when I was 21, I was seeing them, like how I would see a person in front of me. Like they just appeared there, which was interesting, but I didn't know that it was different.

Ocean: I had a spirit like come and it scared me. I could tell that he was depressed. I could tell that something bad had happened to him and I didn't know what he wanted. I didn't know why he was visiting me. I was like, if there's a God, please, I don't want to see any more spirits. Like this is too scary. I don't know what they want. And I just didn't know what to do with it.

Ocean: I didn't know if they were trying to harm me. And so I like begged like, please don't show me anything else. I actually didn't have any more experiences until I started this practice again in like 2019, 2020. The spirit world does listen. I think they care about what we want. I don't think they want to harm us.

Ocean: And now that I'm in this point, I see that man that was coming through that scared me. I didn't know what I know now, which is that he just probably wanted me to communicate to a loved one for him, which isn't as scary when you think this is a real person in front of you who just wants our help.

Renee: You had a spiritual contract. You said, nope, I am turning the faucet off. I am not into this. And it was only when you made the very intentional decision that you wanted to reengage, that the water starting to flow again and you're reactivating your abilities and then able to expand them further.

Favorite Part of Mediumship

Christine: What is your favorite thing about Mediumship?

Ocean: Two things. I think two things are tied. The first is that I get to feel glimpses of what their life was like. I had a man come through for his wife the other day and they had lived a lifetime of marriage. They had been together for 50 years and to feel the depth of that love and commitment and like a shared lifetime, like I'm 37.

Ocean: Like I've been with my wife, you know, for five years. That's nothing compared to like the depth of this emotion. And I was glimpsing it. Like I got to feel that for a second, which was so beautiful and profound.

Ocean: Oh, and the other thing I was gonna say, the other thing it's tied for is that it's kind of like therapy because it's still healing. They come through for that person.They're not necessarily coming through for themselves because their journey in this lifetime has ended, but the person still there can heal from hearing something, whether that's like healing their grief or healing their pain or healing some trauma that that person has caused.

Ocean: Like it is just so beautiful how much this work can heal.

Spirits, Healing, and Forgiveness

Renee: How often when you're doing a reading, do you find that being the pun intended medium for the healing, you actually receive some of that yourself?

Ocean: I would say every time, but one of my teachers is Eileen Davis and she says that every time we interact with the spirit world, whether it's in meditation or it's with a reading for someone, we take a part of that with us.

Ocean: There's something changed inherently about us. And I don't know what it is sometimes. Like sometimes I'm visibly changed. I feel a change. I know a change and sometimes I don't. My soul has changed in doing this work. I've become more loving, more understanding and more open to new perspectives.

Christine: I know Renee asked you what your favorite thing about mediumship is, but what is like the coolest thing that's ever happened either in a reading or you just communicating with spirit on your own, just something that totally blew your mind?

Ocean: I just think it blows my mind every time. It just trust a spirit to step forward and then they do and they start sharing things about themselves. And then the person validates it. They're like, yes, that's my dad. And that's exactly how he was. And that's a memory that I had with him.

Ocean: It's also really fun when you have like a family reunion and there's like four or five people there. And then it's like being in a room with like someone's whole family and getting to know them. It's just, it's so fun.

Chritinse: Having all of these cool experiences with people who have passed on, people who have transitioned, is there anything that you've learned from them that you think we should know living our lives today?

Ocean: So in therapy, there's this idea of like someone who harmed us, we process it, we explore it, we heal ourselves with it, right? But there's no expectation of forgiveness. I would never say that. As a therapist, because it's just wrong. It's not kind.

Ocean: It's like you should not have an expectation to expect someone to do that work if they're not ready or if they don't want to. You should never like put that in their head. And also like coming from someone who was raised Catholic, like there's been guilt trips to forgive people who I don't wanna forgive.

Ocean: Early on in my work, my maternal grandfather started coming through. You have to forgive your mom. And he said it like maybe three times to different mediums. And I would just leave being so mad. Forgive her for what, like? Which I knew what to forgive her for, but it just like triggered me.

Ocean: I would say like within the last year, my mom started coming through, apologizing and saying very specific things that she's sorry for. Something that like it touched my heart when I heard it. And it was just so real. I really started to do the work of forgiveness. And that has like changed me completely.

Ocean: And I would say, if you can, if you are at a place to forgive, it can be immensely healing because subconsciously, right? We think that holding it will make it better or will make it not happen again or will protect us in some way, but it actually hurts us. That's something that I've just been thinking about lately is how much mediumship has helped me to forgive people who've hurt me and people who are living too.

Renee: Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Ocean: It's almost like that in a sense of, well, at a certain point you forgive, not necessarily because you're letting them off or because they deserve one thing or another, but because it's a weight that you're carrying on your heart and on your spirit, and you could just be lighter and be more free in your day to day.

Ocean: If you have a spiritual practice or you feel moved to do this work, just like putting the intention out there, like help me learn to forgive, help me learn to move through this. And I don't have to accept this person back in my life. I don't have to say, oh, this person's a good person. You don't have to say anything, but just asking to be led to do this work if you're not ready, that's okay. And also at the same time, if you don't do it, what are the consequences?

Christine: I always think it's so timely, the episodes that Renee and I record, because I was literally just talking to my therapist about a situation that I've been dealing with for a very long time. And figuring out why I was struggling to forgive the people who were part of the situation. In our last session, I was like, I'm gonna do X. I don't know if I can forgive them, but I'm gonna do X to start moving forward. And as soon as I did that, the next week, the people who were part of that situation came forward and acknowledged their wrongdoing in a situation that has been going on for years. I was blown away. I have chills from this entire conversation. So thank you for sharing all of that. 

Ocean: Probably like 60% of readings that I do, the spirit does want to share their regrets. They want to ask for forgiveness. And it's just beautiful that you have that experience because some energy shifted, right? Like something happened. And that's how powerful we are too.

Spiritual Regrets

Renee: So on the subject of regrets, I came up with this question after listening to a podcast, it was discussing this extensive research study where they were talking to people in hospice as they were going to the other side or people that had near-death experiences and came back and collected a bunch of information. And a point in their discussion was this idea of regret because we tend to think about that when people pass or even now people say, YOLO, you only live once.

Renee: So do things and live your life to the fullest, whatever that means, so that you're not having regret. So I'm curious what your thoughts are on that topic because you are a medium and you've had so many interactions with people who have passed over.

Ocean: The regret of not sharing emotions, not sharing how much a specific event meant to them or a specific act. Obviously a lot of regrets are from people who have abused the sitter or who've been complicit in abuse. But most of the ones I hear about emotion are from men and they talk about how they didn't know what to say and it was uncomfortable for them.

Ocean: And yet they still wish they would have said something about what they were thinking or feeling. If there are people listening who also feel like they have the same calling in their soul that you had and they feel called to learn more about this or develop their skills, what is something that you would like to share with them or a bit of advice? If there is fear, like working with the fear, because a lot of us have fear around like spirits, ghosts, are they going to hurt us?

Ocean: These people are coming forward in love. If you feel like it's too scary to work through yourself, but you still feel pulled, like I would say find a mentor, find a group to sit with and meditate with. I would recommend Eileen Davies. I'd recommend the Oak Bridge Institute. I'd recommend Chris Drew. I'd recommend Andrej Dijordjevic. I think that those people are kind and they're helpful and loving mediums. And the third thing is personal development.

Ocean: So I think a big part of this work is learning how to be more loving, learning how to be non-judgmental, learning how to remove any bias you may have about certain groups of people. Because the more loving, the more kind you are, the easier it is to connect. That means surrendering to the spirit, surrendering and trusting that they have our best interests in mind, which can be hard if we have religious trauma or if we have fear.

Ocean: So that's why I said the fear thing is the big thing because it's just really hard to go deeper if you have fear. I know from personal experience that it limited me early on. Mediumship really helps us work on things that are super subtle. Like as a therapist, I had done  years of therapy and I still lacked the self-confidence when I first started because I didn't trust myself. And so big part of this work is trusting yourself.

Ocean: And if you don't, if you don't think that you can do it, you won't be able to. You'll get in your head or you'll say the wrong thing because you're misinterpreting it through your own way of thinking. So you have to be really open. You have to be your spirit self, really.

Fear & Mediumship

Renee: We mentioned it in some past episodes. When I was younger, I was picking up on spirits, but I just thought I was a kid and I was scared of the dark or something, but I would have times where it was broad daylight and felt like there was somebody there and that would freak me out. So I totally did exactly what you're describing, shut it off, and I didn't really have confidence in any of this space because I was doubting it the entire time.

Renee: I wasn't thinking I had any sort of abilities. So now when I do experience that, because it still does happen to me, like as an example, the other day, I was coming up here just to get ready for bed. I half felt half saw, like somebody was like running towards me. Anytime I get freaked out like that, I'm just like, my back must go against a wall. It's like I need to see around me. And so I'm just, I'm in the stairwell and I just was like, oh, okay. Somebody just ran at me and I'm standing there and I'm just trying to remind myself, okay, well, I'm in control here.

Renee: And I just kept saying it like, you can't come and talk to me like this, or like, I don't know who you are. And then my sister like walked in and said something and I got distracted and it was like, I snapped out of it. And then I felt okay. Christine was talking about this earlier. Like we were used to seeing the worst case scenario. There's an entire genre of ghost movies and horror and all this other stuff. So what I feel is I am washing my face and then I'm gonna stand up and then there's gonna be someone standing behind me and that's how it feels. And part of that is just because we've seen those images and we've had that put in our minds, but it doesn't actually have to be scary.

Renee: It's just a process in trying to feel like you're in charge. And I think that's what some of the confidence pieces and I don't 100% have that with the spirit side. I do have people that come in and I had connected with my granddad in that week after he passed in January. And that was really cool and comforting. It's like what you were saying with your relatives that have come forward where you're just like, oh my gosh, this is so cool. I can't believe that they're here. And it's just amazing and reassuring to have that connection.

Ocean: Our mind loves to make sense of things. So if you are having these experiences where you're seeing or experiencing a spirit and you feel fear, your mind might be showing you something also to direct you in one way or the other. And that's not necessarily what the spirit is meaning. Like that spirit, I don't know what actually happened, but it could be someone that was just really excited to see you or someone who liked running, right?

Ocean: Like we don't know because it could be anything, right? And so I think in those moments, if you can ground, if you can check in and get in like a place where you're expanding your energy and saying, okay, spirit, I'm here. What did you wanna tell me? I think that that could be a way to explore it.

Renee: I then got in bed and I went to go sleep and I was remembering it again. And I just put out there, okay, whoever you are, if you wanna communicate with me, you can try my dreams. Cause I always keep that open if somebody is reaching out to me or with loved ones that have passed. That just as an open invitation. So I'll remind them periodically of, hey, if you have any messages, feel free to pop in. Cause that somehow feels safer to me, which I'm sure is something I could try to dig into of why that is when I'm unconscious. Sure, come on in, but not when I'm awake. And I think it's just cause I'm not used to it.

Ocean: And that's okay, that's your process of working in it and getting comfortable and exploring your connection with the spirit world. There's no like wrong way to do it. And you're not like doing professional mediumship readings for someone, like you can have this space to explore and feel out what works for you, what feels good for you.

Christine: If I feel something behind me and I'm sleeping, I'm like, go away, it is my bedtime. And I don't even say, come talk to me in my dreams. I'm like, I need to go to sleep. If anybody passes by my apartment, they randomly hear me yelling like, if there's a spirit here, like you need to leave because my cats are getting worked up and we can't have this right now. I am very direct with them as if they are right here.

Dark Messages via Mediumship

Renee: What has been your experience with receiving messages that aren't about love and regrets, but that are maybe darker? Oh, somebody come in and they're apologizing for an assault. But have you seen images of murders or kinds of deaths, or have you gotten messages like that? And then what's the learning curve been with processing heavier stuff?

Ocean: My mom came through, when I was going through a particularly hard time in my life and I was using drugs to cope. And she came through and I just saw her face. And again, sometimes I'll just see faces and I'll know what the communication is. And she led me through this scene where I watched her do drugs. And she was like, basically the sentiment was like, I'm watching you do drugs, now you watch me do drugs so you know what it feels like.

Ocean: It was such a weird experience and I've never had another spirit talk to me like that or engage with me like that. But it really changed my way of thinking and feeling and I was like, wow, okay. The spirits really are there for us. They're watching us, they're helping us.

Ocean: I haven't had murder. I have had several people who have killed themselves, but I'm also the kind of person that I'll get people with mental illnesses and I'll know what it was and I'll know what led them to killing themselves because I'm also okay with hearing darker things. I can go there, I'm not afraid to go there.

Ocean: I haven't had a murder or anything, but that would be interesting. You know how they have those people that search for missing people? I'd be too afraid to be wrong. I feel like the stakes would be too high. This work for me is healing, and although that could be healing, it just isn't my kind of alignment.

Christine: I think your history as a psychotherapist really sets you up for a beautiful double healing in your sessions. Therapy times two and the bonus that you have, the capability to speak to it in such a way and hold space for the person.

The Clairs

Renee: In a previous episode, we talked about the Claire's, and I'm curious, whichever Claire or Claire's are most prominent for you when you're doing mediumship versus when you're doing a regular psychic reading, or if there is no difference?

Ocean: The more I go down this road, the less of a difference there is, because when I'm doing psychic readings, I feel like I'm picking up on spiritual communication. I don't identify the person, but I am getting information through the spirit world at times, but I would say at this point, they all work together like a story. So I'm like immersed in a different world, which is really cool, because when I first started, it was like only clairvoyance, and then it was clairsentience, and then, you know, claircognizance, and they all kind of like were more staccato.

Ocean: At this point, it's like immersive, where I experience everything all at one time. And I don't think I could do it without that anymore, because I feel like they need to all work together to get such complex and intricate information.

Renee: I've witnessed you be very clairsentient, which is part of why I was curious where you were at with your development there, because Christine and I had had a lengthy discussion in realizing, oh, we actually have a lot more of each of the clairs than we had previously thought, and clearly that's a testament to experimenting and then just continuing up the practice of trying to read, trying to engage, and then those different gifts just start manifesting. And sometimes it's just that you're not paying attention, but you are getting that information.

Ocean: I think the last one to develop for me was clear audience, and it's just so wild to suddenly hear something in your mind, right? It's just, it's so wild. It's like having a conversation with someone inside your head, but it's not you.

Renee: So Ocean, let's talk a little bit about death. I'm curious, have you heard the idea that death is peaceful and life is harder?

Ocean: Death is not really death because we're not really dying. We're alive in a different way. And some would say that's the real life. But I think that a big part of mediumship too is spirits will tell us about their dying process, about how they had this condition or this pain and how this sitter helped them.

Ocean: One time I was really fortunate to be with a woman and she showed me her dying process. So I got to kind of like experience it as much as you can without like an NDE. Go into the light and feel at peace. And then she was just in the other world. And it was a feeling of relief. It was a feeling of peace. It was a feeling of excitement even. She was excited to die. She was excited to not be in pain anymore. And so it was just beautiful to be a part of that experience as much as you can without experiencing it.

Christine: That's beautiful. And just for the listener, as an NDE is a near death experience.

Books, Excitement, and Socials

Christine: All right, let's elevate the mood of this conversation and do some fun questions. So Ocean, can you tell us what you're reading right now?

Ocean: Well, I am reading a Twilight fan fiction called Beyond Time, where it's a love triangle between Carlyle, Edward and Bella. And Bella goes back in time to Edward's time. It's just wild, but I love fan fiction because they take like YA stories that we love and make them very adult, like, I don't know. It's beautiful what these people come up with. It's so interesting how they like go deep with these characters and tell new stories.

Christine: My mind is blown. Isn't Carlyle like Edward's quote unquote dad?

Renee: Yes, he's the dad. People watch the Twilight movies and they're like, oh, like let's talk about Carlyle. Look how handsome he is. Forget about Jacob. Let's have that be the love triangle.

Ocean: There's like Alice and Bella fan fictions, which I haven't read yet.

Christine: Alice and Bella, I could see a little bit more than Carlyle. I just, I think this is what I learned this week. I didn't even know this existed. All right, cool. And then just tell us and the listeners something that you're looking forward to in 2024. This could be anything. It doesn't have to be metaphysical related. You could be excited to get a root canal, which no one is.

Ocean: I'm excited about the new people who will come to explore their spirituality because I feel like so many people are opening up to this world and their own souls. I'm just excited to see how it can shift our world to have people who are getting in touch with their spirituality. That's great. So listeners, don't act like you're not impressed with our guest, Ocean. Where can our listeners find you?

Ocean: I'm on Instagram @OceansSoulSpa. And then my website is And my email is So just really OceansSoulSpa.

Christine: We'll link that in the show notes for all of our listeners. Thanks for listening.

Guided Meditation

Renee: Ocean, would you do us the honor of leading us in a closing meditation?

Ocean: Of course. So I think that I'll do just a brief sitting in the power meditation. So this can help listeners connect with their own spiritual power, which will help them in their communication and connection with the spirit world.

Ocean: So let's just begin by taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, feeling supported by your chair or your couch, and taking a moment to connect with your inner being, your own soul, and some people find the feeling of this between their heart and their solar plexus, so that would be right above the belly button. And there's no right or wrong way to locate it, just knowing that you have this inner spirit inside you, and feeling into that space, and imagining or knowing that it is expanding, expanding to the edge of your physical body, filling you with light, filling you with your own energy, and just noticing what that's like.

Ocean: Moving to expand further beyond the edge of your physical body, expanding more and more until your energy is filling the entire body. The entire room that you're in. Noticing how it feels to be expanded in this way. Growing, expanding, and breathing deeper and deeper. Finding a white light, either by knowing that it is within you or seeing a white light and bringing it into your body and feeling the white light expand.

Ocean: And in this moment, you can call in your guides, you can call in your higher power, you can call in assistance to help you grow and develop, strengthen your personal power, your spiritual power, and just allow any sensations to happen. Feel free to pause the recording here and sit for as long as you'd like, or just say that this is good enough for today.

Ocean: You can come back to this practice on your own. Whenever you're ready, moving your fingers and toes, and opening your eyes, blinking back into awareness.

Christine: I loved that.


Christine: On to our topic, what did we learn this week? I'm gonna go first, cause I'm really excited about mine. I went to a cooking class last night, and they taught us how to make pizza, but more importantly, they taught us how to make hot honey, which is gonna save me thousands of dollars in hot honey purchases.

Christine: So, and you know, we were talking about this in class last night, and we think it really is a New York thing, but it's basically honey infused with spicy peppers, and then you drizzle it over pizza. So I like Emi Squared, they make a nice pepperoni spicy pizza, and they drizzle this hot honey over the top of it, and it's just like chef's kiss. 

Christine: So how to make hot honey? You take a pan, and it doesn't need to be a nonstick pan, I asked the chef, you pour your honey into it, and then you add in your spice, so that could be red pepper flakes, red chili pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, gochujang, and then a little bit of apple cider vinegar, like a splash of it.

Christine: Mix that all together, and then just let it sit on the stove for at least 10 minutes, so everything can infuse, and then you take it off, you let it cool, and you have hot honey. And the longer it sits together, so if you make it day one, it's not gonna be as spicy as it's gonna be by day 10. So if you make it, let it sit and you really want a lot of spice, like day 10, you're gonna get like the spiciness that you're looking for. So you're welcome.

Renee: I love how this is secretly a food podcast because of how often food comes up at the end of these episodes.

Christine: It's all me. I think my life revolves around food.

Renee: Okay, what I learned this week, anybody who watches The Bachelor, do you watch The Bachelor? Are you familiar with the concept?

Christine: Yes, I have watched some seasons, but this season is Joey, right?

Renee: Yes, it just ended.

Christine: I didn't love Joey in the last season. That's why I didn't watch.

Renee: I'll just say this.

Christine: I think you just broke up with me.

Renee: Joey, hands down, is the best Bachelor they've ever had.

Christine: Okay, I'm sorry. I take that back, Joey. Maybe I need to watch your season.

Renee: I won't spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't watched it, but I digress. I just learned, for those of you who have seen the show and in his season in particular, they started out with  women on the first night. I've been watching this show for years off and on and always have wondered how on earth do they rattle the names off because they're handing the roses out in the ceremony. I'm like, they must be doing something in here, but I've never heard what the process is until this week.

Renee: What they do is the lead, so the bachelor or the bachelorette, whoever it is, they do it in batches of four names. So they'll go out to the group, they'll have already talked with the producers, so clearly they have people that they like, and then there's the rest, which who knows to what degree they even remember. And they just, they bracket it. So then they have groups of four, so then all they have to do is memorize four names at a time. And then they leave the room, so they keep doing this process back and forth, because I've heard over the years, oh, the rose ceremonies take forever, and I've always wondered why does it take forever?

Renee: I mean, yeah, at the beginning, they're listing off  names, but that can't take that long. But if it's 20 names, that means that's five groups of four. So the lead keeps leaving the room, having to get the new names come back in, so you're standing there in suspense for even longer than what we're seeing on TV. So I was really happy to finally get that information because I have been curious about that for years.

Christine: I feel like these reality shows are like a real like mindfuck for people, and like now knowing how long the row ceremony can take when you're trying to figure out whether or not you're staying or going, and you're already trying to build like a romantic connection with someone, it like makes sense why these people sometimes seem so overly emotional on the show. We're seeing these like little snippets, but they've been there for so long. That is just, that is wild. I've learned something today too.

Renee: I mean, and we learned a lot of things in the conversation with Ocean, so this was a prime day for learning for us.

Christine: Yeah.

Christine: Thanks for listening.

Renee: If you'd like to learn more, the resources we used to prepare for this episode are listed in the show notes.

Christine: You can reach me, Christine, @channeledbychristine with one L on Instagram.

Renee: And you can reach me, Renee, @_readbyrenee, or connect with both of us via email at

Christine: Keep your spirit curious and your aura sparkling.

Renee: We'll see you on the stars next align.

Be Light Partnership Discount

Christine: Hi, listeners. If while listening to the series, you found that you have some psychic abilities that you want to hone through the same program that Renee and I have been a part of, send an email to us at, letting us know you're interested. And we'll hook you up with Deganit, the founder of the Be Light program. And we'll also provide a $500 discount on tuition fees.


Renee: What's everybody doing? Also, I was noticing this, that all of us have, they're not the same exact glasses, but we also have a pretty similar look going on here with our light glasses. I was like, we're triplets over here.

Christine: I love it.

Renee: I almost had it.

Ocean: Have you heard of these catisfactions?

Christine: No, what is that?

Ocean: Rochelle, my wife and I, we walk around feeding stray cats. Cat food is a high-value treat to crows, and so you can basically become friends with the murder of crows by giving them cat treats, and they'll bring you trinkets.

Christine: I have to tell my dad this because he feeds everything. My parents have a menagerie of animals that they feed, but they have a bunch of birds, and they already have cat treats because they are feeding cats. Cats, raccoons, possums. If a turtle walks up, I won't be surprised, but yeah.

Ocean: Oh, my gosh, that sounds so cute.

Christine: Yeah.

Ocean: Oh, yeah, I got to see, especially the raccoons with their little hands, and they're like. They're so cute. They wash their hands first, and then they're like, they're so cute.

Ocean Parker Psychic Medium Interview Quote about spirits coming to us from the other side with love.


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