Renee: Welcome back.
Renee: Before we get to part two of our conversation with Lisa, we wanted to follow up on a spine-tingling topic from a previous episode.
Renee: So on Instagram, I sent you a post.
Renee: When I saw it, I started laughing.
Renee: I immediately went right to the messages section and said, I gotta share this with Christine.
Renee: It's Balance, which is a meditation app.
Renee: I follow them on Instagram because they have a lot of good posts just about wellness, and they have a bingo card.
Renee: I cross off the different wellness activities that I've done, see if I can get bingo.
Renee: Some months I do, some months I don't.
Renee: And they had a post just this week about testing new sounds, and I'll call them city sounds.
Renee: As we've chatted about in a previous episode, Christine has something against nature sounds because she thinks that's prime opportunity for a serial killer.
Christine: 100%.
Renee: And you're gonna get murdered versus what they had on the app which I sent to Christine.
Renee: It was trash sounds, car alarm, and noisy neighbors.
Christine: Oh, yes, noisy neighbors.
Christine: I was thinking about it.
Christine: I think car alarm would be my first choice.
Christine: The trash sounds remind me of the morning.
Christine: I usually hear garbage pick up in the morning, so that would be like an alarm to wake me up.
Christine: To put me to sleep would definitely be car sounds.
Christine: And then noisy neighbors, you know, I will be honest, the mechanical sounds don't bother me, but if I hear someone's like conversation, I'm immediately invested, so I'm up.
Christine: And I'm now part of the conversation.
Renee: So to a noisy neighbor, you are a nosy neighbor.
Christine: Yes, 100%.
Christine: It's one of the best things about living in a city.
Christine: So the listeners can't see my windows, but my windows face into another building.
Christine: And I don't know if I've shared this before, but when I first moved into my apartment, I was very much a stickler for where everything was gonna be situated, including my TV.
Christine: So I lived in my apartment for six months without a TV or internet because I wasn't sure where I wanted the electronics placed.
Christine: And I would come home from work and have dinner and just watch all the people in the other building.
Christine: And I had stories about them.
Christine: My friends would come over.
Christine: We had a naked guy if anybody watched Friends.
Renee: I was just gonna say, it sounds exactly like Friends with the big window in the apartment.
Christine: That was 100% true.
Christine: We've had a couple of naked people over the years.
Christine: It's not my cup of tea.
Christine: I don't want to see that.
Christine: But it did make for good entertainment for the six months that I didn't have any in my apartment.
Renee: They're latching on to a certain market.
Renee: Waterfalls, trickling water, the waves, your standard white noise, it just doesn't work for everybody.
Renee: So they're trying to find the inroads.
Renee: They got you pegged.
Renee: They said, let's go for city sounds.
Christine: Yesterday, I was trying to focus.
Christine: I was like, I put on classical music, didn't work.
Christine: I tried pink noise, didn't work.
Christine: I put on like rainforest sounds, did not work.
Christine: I opened my windows, fully able to concentrate.
Renee: I'll have people say this to me.
Renee: How can you concentrate like listening to a podcast?
Renee: Because it's a full on conversation.
Renee: If I'm listening to a podcast, I'm like, oh wait, I actually want to hear this part.
Renee: I will pause the podcast.
Renee: If I'm doing math or I'm proofreading an email, I pause whatever it is that I'm listening to because then you're going to have things get jumbled.
Renee: You're not going to find me sitting at my desk saying, I'm trying to concentrate and I'm listening to water falling.
Renee: Even though I like that, that would be more if I was using it to fall asleep than listening to honestly pretty much anything with water.
Christine: No, I like that.
Applying Reiki to Our Everyday Life
Christine: On to the rest of our chat with Lisa.
Christine: How can listeners engage with energetic healing in their everyday lives?
Christine: Either they've just had a session or they're doing their own energy work.
Christine: What's your advice?
Lisa: I love this question, because energy doesn't stop once you leave the table.
Lisa: What we do in a session is concentrated and it's very intentional, and the energy starts to shift and move.
Lisa: That continues for several days.
Lisa: One thing that I really pride myself on, and I think this in part comes from growing up, on the corporate side, going to spas, going to wellness spaces.
Lisa: I give all of my clients rituals that they can practice in between sessions as they need, or whenever they feel called to practice.
Lisa: For example, I may teach my client a quick breath work that they can do at home.
Lisa: They can do it in their office.
Lisa: They can do it, lock themselves in the bathroom before a meeting, before putting the kids to bed.
Lisa: I think the tools need to be something that don't take a lot of time.
Lisa: Another practice may be just go play, go engage in whatever brings you joy, what makes you laugh, what makes you smile, because it's that energy that actually builds.
Lisa: So the more you're engaging in something joyful, the more that energy grows.
Lisa: Or it may be a gratitude practice or an acknowledgement journal.
Lisa: Most of us struggle with value and our worthiness and we don't name it necessarily.
Lisa: Part of a practice that can help to switch that dialogue, switch that mindset is simply acknowledging all of your gifts, acknowledging brushing your teeth in the morning.
Lisa: Like for some people, that is a celebration.
Lisa: I think as society, we put expectation and we put a metric on like, what's big enough, what should be celebrated, what is really a milestone.
Lisa: You get to decide what that is for yourself.
Lisa: Energy follows intention.
Lisa: If your intention is to feel a certain way, energy follows that.
Christine: Lisa gives out these little ritual cards that she writes handmade while you're having a session.
Christine: And I just went to look back at some of mine and one of my favorite ones was the one you just mentioned, which was celebrate all your wins outwardly, whatever they are, and with no judgment or measurements, undoing what a win may have looked like and what it looks like now.
Christine: It is a mindset shift.
Christine: I mean, now I celebrate myself for sending a hard text message when I previously would not have done that.
Christine: So thanks.
Lisa: Energy healing, energy work is beautiful and it's such a big part of sort of unraveling and addressing stress and anxiety and grief and all of the things in an energetic way.
Lisa: And there's a mindset that also needs to shift because our ego is so loud.
Lisa: And its only job is to protect us.
Lisa: So part of the work that really goes in tandem oftentimes that I always recommend is literally rewiring the neuro pathways in your brain and believing something different than you've believed.
Lisa: And that takes time because those things have not been cultivated over a few days.
Energy Work Versus Talk Therapy
Renee: How would you compare and contrast that mindset rewiring that you can get through energy work versus talk therapy?
Lisa: One doesn't replace the other.
Lisa: They really are complementary, and they address things from a different angle.
Lisa: Energy work addresses a more subtle approach, just the subtle energy body.
Lisa: It's supporting your system to be in a balanced, calm state of being so that it's easier to believe.
Lisa: Because you're in the present.
Lisa: It's all about being in the present.
Lisa: It's really hard if you're struggling with something sticky.
Lisa: We all have those sticky moments.
Lisa: It's really hard to believe something different, believe the opposite.
Lisa: When you're in a state of calm and centeredness, it's easier to see a wider prism of what's possible and what may be a story you're telling yourself, and easier to shift the dialogue.
Christine: Not to make this whole podcast about me.
Christine: But for the listener who does have that question, I do go to talk therapy.
Christine: I have a therapist I've been with for like five years.
Christine: The energy work that I do with Lisa leads to different thoughts or different questions that I didn't have or seeing a situation in a different way that I then go to therapy and talk to my therapist about.
Christine: So the kind of work in tandem, I would say they supplement each other.
Christine: I do recommend though for anyone who's doing any sort of spiritual work to have a therapist of some sort grounded in the real world as well so that you can take what happens energetically and kind of put words to it.
Lisa: I mean, personally, I will be fully transparent.
Lisa: You know, one of my big hurdles and missions and shifts in this lifetime is a scarcity mindset.
Lisa: And I've engaged with money mindset coaches and to support a bigger mission that I know that I'm here to help shift in this lifetime for myself, for my family, for my lineage.
Lisa: We're never in this alone.
Lisa: And oftentimes what we're moving through is not something we can move through alone.
Lisa: And it's okay to ask for help.
Lisa: It's okay to ask for support.
Lisa: And to find the people and the resources that can hold space for your experience, whatever that is.
Renee: Beautifully said.
Renee: Thank you, Lisa.
Renee: So we wanted to close out with a lighter question.
Renee: What is something that you're looking forward to in ?
Lisa: More travel and inspiration, more time with my two nieces, one of whom is only a month old, and receiving everything I've put out into the world.
Lisa: Spiritual work is hard.
Lisa: It is not an easy, it's not always an easy journey, and it's a journey that is an ongoing journey.
Lisa: So it's a willingness to stay on board.
How to Reach Lisa Caruso
Christine: And Lisa, if people want to know where to find you, where should they go to do that?
Lisa: They can either go to my website, which is joywelleattheend.com, Instagram is joywellnyc, and the best way to reach me is to either DM me or there's a link tree in my bio on Instagram where you can see how you can work with me.
Lisa: And as I mentioned, I love curating for clients, so there are some pre-existing programs that you can book, but I always prefer to have a conversation so we can navigate how I can be best supportive.
Renee: For the listener who has never done Reiki before, doesn't really know what it's like, might be concerned about woo woo here, what's the ideal client for you and how would somebody know that maybe Reiki is a step that they should take?
Lisa's Ideal Client
Lisa: My ideal client is really anyone who is looking to shift stress, anxiety, and they're curious about ways to do that and to show up differently for themselves.
Lisa: I think given my corporate background and my pedigree in corporate, I speak that language, I know the stress of that environment and what that can create.
Lisa: It can feel unmanageable to make time for yourself.
Lisa: The bottom line is just reconnecting to yourself.
Lisa: That's all this work is really meant to do.
Lisa: That inner voice, that intuition we talked about in the beginning, it's like excavating anything that's like covering that up that you are not connecting with because ultimately that is your voice.
Christine: Thanks for watching.
Christine: Today, we are gonna have Lisa channel messages for the Collective for You Are A Listener so that you guys can get a taste of her amazing intuition and feel what it's like to do some energy work with her.
Christine: So with that, I'm gonna give Lisa her space and let us know what should the listeners know this episode.
Lisa: So as soon as I asked the question of what the Collective needed to know, I was brought to this carnival slash circus scene, like this outside environment and like kids are running around and everyone is laughing and like it's pure joy.
Lisa: Part of why I'm seeing this is there's a tension in the air.
Lisa: There's like a heaviness in the air.
Lisa: It's feeling like a little bit oppressive for a lot of people and almost like suffocating.
Lisa: I can literally feel my throat closing up as I channel into that.
Lisa: And I think that feeling of suffocation, that feeling of density can create a lot of anxiety and it can cause people to react very quickly to sort of do something maybe they don't want to be doing or shouldn't be doing or saying.
Lisa: Part of why I'm seeing this like very fun-filled, joy-filled scene and people engaging in the rides and the giant cotton candies, and I'm just seeing like giant lollipops, like it almost looks like a Willy Wonka scene because it's so vibrant is to play, to laugh, to actually emote in a healthy way.
Lisa: It allows your throat chakra to open.
Lisa: It's also like vibrational energy healing because we are energy, as we've talked about this whole episode.
Lisa: The message is really to lean in to the emotions, lean in to the expressions, lean in to the activities that actually bring you joy and allow you to emote the joy as a response to those moments of heaviness, those moments of tension.
Lisa: And not as a means of pretending the tension isn't there, but it's like a ripple effect.
Lisa: It's almost like a wave, and I see the ripple of the water, and it's like one person creating that vibration.
Lisa: It changes the density of that energy.
Lisa: It's like a black cloud.
Lisa: It's like the light starting to shine through.
Lisa: And people can tune back into hope.
Lisa: They can feel hope.
Lisa: Lean into joy like you did as a child, and no one was looking.
Renee: You're trying to have our listeners be mischievous.
Lisa: Well, I'm all about being sassies.
Christine: Lisa, that was awesome.
Christine: And for the listener, when we're recording this episode right now, only like two of our episodes are out.
Christine: Renee and I kind of made eye contact while you were reading, because every reading we do somehow has like food involved or like sweets of some sort.
Christine: And you were like, kind candy, lollipops.
Christine: And I was like, oh, yep, this tracks.
Christine: So if the listener is wondering, it's not just us, we've brought a person in who has no idea what's been going on.
Christine: And she sort of saw the same thing as well.
Renee: Or a treats and food obsessed podcast about intuition.
Christine: Lisa, it was just a real treat and a real joy to have you here.
Renee: Mean, it was a perfect pun.
Renee: You had to go there.
Lisa: Well, thank you both for having me and for sharing your energy with me and giving me this platform to share with your beautiful audience.
Lisa: And I hope that I've inspired wisdom and curiosity and wonder and all of the beautiful things.
Christine: And now we have our What Have We Learned This Week?
Christine: Segment.
Christine: Renee, would you like to go first, or you want me to go first?
Renee: So I just had a few reflections I'll rattle off.
Renee: We're more powerful than we think we are.
Renee: People who are knowingly and openly intuitive, as well as people who don't think that they're intuitive at all, but clearly are, are connected to some of those bigger energies.
Renee: I've talked to Ocean and Lisa, and we were all feeling the same way after that first eclipse.
Renee: All were feeling tired.
Renee: All were having vivid dreams.
Renee: So we were having a similar response, even though we were living in separate places.
Renee: So just an appreciation for that interconnectedness, if you will, by energy.
Renee: So the last thing that I wanted to say, I've really come to appreciate my end of month ritual that I have and going through all of the dreams that I've had and looking for themes.
Renee: And what was the first thing I thought about when I woke up that morning?
Renee: Or last thing I thought about before I went to bed?
Renee: That's a new addition that I had this year.
Renee: And then also I will pull cards for every month.
Renee: So I've just been enjoying how completely spot on everything has been.
Renee: You're not necessarily controlling the first thing when you wake up, what pops into your mind, or when you're drifting off to sleep, you have some random image about something or what you're dreaming about.
Renee: But the fact that there's patterns, again, it's an energy at work, LOL, this episode.
Renee: I picked something that was related to the theme.
Renee: I didn't even realize it.
Renee: There's energy at work that's connecting your conscious, your subconscious, your intuition, and the people around you.
Renee: We're four for four with every month, I pull the cards and I'm shaking my head and I'm laughing because it feels so true to exactly where I am at that moment.
Renee: And what I am intuiting is what's coming next.
Renee: And then even as the entire month progresses, I keep checking back and I'm like, all right, what was the theme for March?
Renee: And I'm laughing at it.
Renee: I'm like, I can't believe those are the cards I pulled.
Renee: That's the stuff I was journaling about when I didn't know what was coming.
Renee: And that was so aligned.
Renee: The more that I have these different tracking tools beyond the ones that I've used over the last few years, the more I'm just seeing so much more connecting to itself and a very intricate web.
Christine: It sounds like you're just really reflecting on the proof that we are all one.
Christine: And of course I watched a documentary about that last night.
Christine: So no surprises here.
Christine: Well, what I learned this week, Lucky Charms are not actually discontinued.
Christine: And I don't think anyone else heard this rumor except me.
Christine: And then I spread it and then had a backtrack.
Christine: I had a breathwork session with Lisa who we had on the show today.
Christine: During the session, I was prompted to go back to a really happy memory.
Christine: That was of course Friday nights at Blockbuster getting to pick out a movie and a snack and go home.
Christine: For some reason Lucky Charms popped up and after the session, I was like, I'm gonna go to the store and get Lucky Charms.
Christine: And I went to three stores and there were no Lucky Charms.
Christine: So I was devastated, probably didn't need the sugar at nine o'clock at night.
Christine: I then told my family about this this past weekend and they were like, oh yeah, Lucky Charms have been discontinued.
Christine: I was in an uproar, didn't double check it, texted everyone and I was like, that's gonna be my fact for this show.
Christine:Â minutes before we start recording, I Google it just to double check.
Christine: Lucky Charms are not discontinued.
Christine: You can get them at Fresh Direct.
Christine: I'm gonna order mine to come this week.
Christine: I don't know who started that rumor.
Christine: It was someone in my family.
Christine: And maybe the thing that I learned this week is you cannot trust anything my family said.
Renee: This is the second time, potentially third time, you've potentially spread on this podcast, two to three lies.
Christine: We will call them rumors.
Christine: So you're welcome.
Christine: You can still get Lucky Charms.
Renee: This is a PSA.
Renee: Do your research, and fact check.
Christine: Thanks for listening.
Christine: If you'd like to learn more, the resources we used to prepare for this episode are listed in the show notes.
Christine: You can reach me, Christine, @channeledbychristine with one L on Instagram.
Christine: And you can reach me, Renee, @readbyrenee.
Christine: Or connect with both of us via email at synergytosynastry@gmail.com.
Christine: Keep your spirit curious and your aura sparkling.
Christine: We'll see you when the stars next the line.
Lisa: Wait, she's on mute now.
Lisa: It's coming on Christine.
Lisa: It's from Christine.
Lisa: Is it the rain on your air conditioning maybe?
Christine: Yeah, which you can hear from like...
Christine: Let me go in the bathroom really quick.
Lisa: Maybe you want to...
Christine: Does it sound better now?
Renee: You sounded like kind of quiet.
Renee: Maybe it's just the acoustics of the room.
Christine: I'm on the pink microphone.
Renee: We don't talk about that microphone.
Christine: It looks like it's pink, and I hate that I got pink.
Lisa: I mean, I'm not going to tell you what it looks like from my end.
Renee: That's her point.
Renee: She bought it, and she sent me a picture, and she was like, I have so many regrets.
Renee: I shouldn't have bought the pink microphone.
Christine: How does your sound?
Lisa: You and your dildo?
Christine: Wait, my f***ing microphone's not connected.
Renee: That's probably why it's muffled.
Christine: How is this even happening?
Renee: The microphone saga.
