Welcome & Easter Egg Raffle
Christine: Welcome back to Synergy to Synastry.
Christine: Thanks for joining us again for episode five.
Christine: Before we get started, Renee and I have a really exciting idea that we want to share with you guys.
Christine: We're gonna put together a raffle based on the Easter eggs we talked about in episode one.
Christine: Renee, do you want to share the details with the listeners?
Renee: If you've been paying close attention, in each episode, Christine and I both have dropped references, so some sort of a quote from Twilight and from Anchorman.
Renee: You have the option in this raffle to document and email us at synergetosynastry.gmail.com and send either all of the Twilight references to enter to get a reading with me, or all of the Anchorman references to get a reading with Christine.
Renee: Or you can do both and you can win a reading with each of us.
Renee: So we'll have up to three winners for this raffle.
Renee: And the entry time is any point in 2024.
Renee: This offer expires December 31st, 2024.
The Clairs
Renee: Clair de Lune is great, but we're not going to be talking about music today.
Renee: We're going to be talking about The Psychic Clairs.
Renee: So we have referenced them already, but we're going to be doing a full breakdown of four of the main Clairs.
Renee: Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, and Clairaudience.
Renee: Christina and I will be taking turns, walking through definitions, how it may manifest for you.
Renee: So if you're someone who doesn't necessarily think that they're psychic, but you can relate, it's because you do in fact have an intuition.
Christine: We're going to start off today talking about Clairsentience.
Christine: Clair is the French word to know, and sentience is Latin for feeling.
Christine: So Clairsentience comes from our second chakra, which is our sacral chakra.
Christine: If you're looking at a visual of your chakras, the second one is orange and that's your sacral chakra.
Christine: Those who tap into this Clair receive messages by sensing feelings about a particular situation, person, etc.
Christine: If you've ever heard someone say the vibes are off, that's like a term that I use when the energy just doesn't feel right, and that's when I'm leaning into my Clairsentience.
Christine: I remember before I learned that I truly was psychic, I was telling my massage therapist about a decision I was making.
Christine: I was like, you know how like your body tenses up when the decision is not for you, and then it relaxes when you've made the right decision?
Christine: It was like, no, that's not how it works.
Renee: That is just so funny.
Renee: The average person most certainly does not think that way.
Christine: Yeah.
Christine: So if you're listening to this and you're like, oh, I actually do something like that where like I get tingles or I feel warm or I feel nauseous, this is a sign that you probably are Clairsentient.
Christine: If you're around someone who isn't doing that great and you start to feel sad or depressed, but when you leave them, your mood changes, it could be that you're picking up on what's going on for them.
Christine: It's the same for excited energy.
Christine: I know I used to go out with my friends and be ready for bed at midnight like a pumpkin, but I would feel their energy and they would be so excited to stay out even longer that I would convince myself to stay out till like or a.m.
Christine: And I can tell you, I did not need to stay out that late.
Christine: And speaking about feeling other people's energy, I know what you're thinking, Christine, you're describing an empath.
Christine: And while Clairsentience are also empaths, not all empaths are Clairsentient.
Christine: Empaths can feel and absorb other people's energy, but they don't get a message from it.
Christine: So an empath would walk into a room where something negative just happened and feel negative, but they wouldn't get an inference of it, like, oh, an argument just happened here.
Renee: So would you say that Clairsentience is one of your main Clairs or ways that you get information?
Christine: It's definitely how I started.
Christine: Clairvoyance is my main, like I start reading from like the higher chakras, but I still notice, you know, when I'm walking around, like that Clairsentience doesn't ever really go away and I'll just feel something and I'll be like, oh, sorry, I need to put up stronger boundaries that that feeling was not for me.
Renee: When we first started doing the Clairvoyance program and Clairsentience came up, I was thinking, I don't think I have that at all.
Renee: And in more recent time, I've definitely seen more manifestations of it.
Renee: I was doing a reading for a student and she was starting to talk about how she was concerned about graduating from her program.
Renee: And I'm sitting there with my eyes closed and all of a sudden I just felt really, really stressed.
Renee: Like I just completely absorbed it.
Renee: And then she's talking and I'm sitting there taking deep breaths because I was getting anxious and then had to clear it so that I could actually read her and then come from.
Renee: Using some of the other Clairs in order to actually advise her or read into her situation.
Christine: That I find very relatable and why I don't lean on Clairsentience.
Christine: It really it's horrible when you're doing a reading and you start to feel that anxiety bubbling up and you're about to have a panic attack and you're the one who's supposed to be in control of the situation.
Christine: So I totally get it.
Christine: But with that, I want to move on to our next Clair, which is Claircognizance.
Renee: I'm going to be talking about Claircognizance and just to build off of the definition that Christine gave.
Renee: It's knowing without an explanation.
Renee: So it's some sort of data.
Renee: It's language based, just an understanding of something is going on.
Renee: Events are happening when we're talking about chakras.
Renee: This is based in the solar plexus, which is the next one up.
Renee: This is the yellow one.
Renee: It can also be called instinctive channeling.
Renee: Typically with the Clairs in general, we tend to think of clairvoyance.
Renee: Anyone who's seen That's So Raven, she's seeing a vision.
Renee: Literally, she's watching a scenario.
Renee: The concept of claircognizance feels a little bit more abstract.
Renee: It's like a thought pops into your head.
Renee: And what I've learned over time is that my brain actually responds to it.
Renee: I think a couple weeks ago, I had plans to get together with one of my friends.
Renee: And I was telling my grandmother about it.
Renee: I turned around and I said to her, I'm going to be getting together with one of my college friends.
Renee: And the second I said it, I actually had to pause before I continued because what popped in my head was, no, you're not.
Renee: And then I finished my story and I'm telling her about how we were going to get together, what we were doing.
Renee: The next day, I get a text from her in the afternoon and she says, I think I might be sick.
Renee: I've gotten sick a bunch of times in the last six months.
Renee: Why don't you just tell me how you're feeling in the morning?
Renee: And if you feel worse, then we'll reschedule.
Renee: Wake up the next morning, go to check my phone.
Renee: I feel worse.
Renee: We reschedule our plans.
Christine: Great Onan's Raven, that's fascinating.
Christine: Do you find Claircognizance to be one of your main Clairs?
Christine: It feels like it happens very naturally for you.
Renee: Yes, absolutely.
Renee: So I'll contextualize this with some other examples of how it can manifest.
Renee: So number one, we just talked about a thought pops into your head.
Renee: Number two, you're like a human lie detector.
Renee: You can sense insincerity.
Renee: So it's different than the Clairsentience in feeling maybe the energy in the space or talking to the person.
Renee: It's just, you know, something's not right with them.
Christine: Have you watched Poker Face on Peacock?
Renee: No, I have not.
Christine: I feel like she would be a good example of someone who has Claircognizance, and I'll leave it at that.
Christine: It's a great series.
Christine: Everyone should go watch it.
Renee: Next one is premonitions or dreams.
Renee: So one might say, oh, well, why is Claircognizance capturing that rather than clairvoyance?
Renee: That's vision.
Renee: The key point is about it being a premonition.
Renee: The premonition can happen when you are awake and it can happen when you are asleep.
Renee: It's about there being a knowing or knowing about some sort of events.
Renee: And then later on, you realize, oh, wow, that was a premonition.
Renee: Another example is if you're known for being an advice giver.
Renee: People go to you because the advice just comes to you.
Renee: You say the right things.
Renee: It just flows right out of you, and this can also intersect with journaling.
Renee: So if you're a writer or if you find that when you journal, it's allowing you to move energy through you, it's about the power of your words and it's flowing through you and it lands.
Renee: So it either lands with the person you're giving advice to or that you're writing to.
Renee: Or if you are just journaling by yourself, that you do the same thing that I said before.
Renee: The idea pops into your head.
Renee: So you're journaling, you write something down and all of a sudden you react to it.
Renee: Why did I just write that?
Renee: You're kind of going into another wavelength.
Renee: You're writing it out.
Renee: You don't realize why did I write this?
Renee: But then something about it resonates with you.
Christine: Is that the same as free writing?
Renee: Yeah, or like automatic pen writing.
Christine: That's what I was thinking of.
Christine: Okay, cool.
Renee: So the last example that I have is the body connection.
Renee: With Claircognizance, your body can respond without you realizing it.
Renee: So some classic examples are you're walking somewhere and you got to get lost in thought.
Renee: You suddenly take a certain turn down a road.
Renee: You come upon something.
Renee: Something happens.
Renee: You're solving a puzzle.
Renee: You pick up a piece.
Renee: And you're just like, well, this goes here.
Renee: It's like your body is almost taking over because your body within it has the knowing of what you're supposed to be doing.
Renee: And your conscious mind hasn't actually caught up with the information or hasn't received the information.
Renee: So they say, my watch is missing.
Renee: And you go, oh, did you check the drawer over there?
Renee: And then they open it up and that's where it is.
Renee: So again, a sense of knowing.
Renee: And it can be spatial events, things outside of you, bigger picture.
Renee: And then the last one, deciding to do something and then later thanking yourself for doing it.
Renee: I want to get this project done.
Renee: And in your mind, you know, okay, this isn't really the highest priority, but I just really feel compelled to work on this.
Renee: And then what happens is the next day someone comes to you and is actually asking you for it or it's great that you did that because now you have data or information on hand.
Renee: So there's something in you that knew it was important for you to do that project, even if it didn't seem like a priority.
Renee: I have two stories related to Claircognizance.
Renee: One of them is actually the one I already told in episode one had the thought pop into my head, which was I shouldn't be driving.
Renee: And then I had the body response of freezing.
Christine: There's a subconscious thought.
Christine: Your body reacts, right?
Christine: Your body froze because it knew it was like we're not going anywhere and your conscious mind is doing a loop trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
Christine: Does that make sense?
Renee: Exactly.
Renee: Exactly right.
Renee: So I have another example.
Renee: I was aware of this when it happened.
Renee: I was like, all right, something's going on here.
Renee: I was driving to an eye appointment.
Renee: I took the wrong turn three or four times.
Renee: It was not complicated to get there.
Renee: I had been there before.
Renee: I couldn't even control my body.
Renee: And at one point, I remember I was banging a UE like in a parking lot.
Renee: Should I not be going?
Renee: This seems unreasonable because it felt like I was getting diverted.
Renee: Whatever, I'll go to the appointment.
Renee: And the problem was I had gotten new glasses over the summer.
Renee: So when I went to this appointment, I actually had to pay and it wasn't covered by insurance.
Renee: I was thinking, oh, well, my vision test is once a year, but it actually ate up most of my coverage when I got the glasses.
Christine: That's insane.
Renee: For context, I did that two years ago and I already was on this psychic development journey, which is the reason why I sat there and said, I think I'm being prevented from going to this appointment.
Christine: It's amazing how many signs you get for something or we get in general, and we just talk ourselves out of it.
Christine: I'm sure the listener is listening right now.
Christine: Memories are flooding back of times when something similar happened and they just didn't listen.
Christine: Well, I wish the next Clair that Renee was going to talk about was Clairolfactance.
Christine: It's actually Clairaudience.
Renee: So this is just when you hear messages from Spirit.
Renee: What's interesting when you relate it to the chakra system is it's actually the throat chakra.
Renee: After the solar plexus, which was the yellow one, the next one up is the heart, which is green, throat is blue.
Renee: When you experience Clairoaudience, it's like you're hearing your own voice in your head.
Renee: So it is a sense of hearing, but you can also hone the ability through using your voice.
Renee: So the more you practice this, it gets easier to distinguish.
Renee: If it's your inner monologue of you just in your consciousness talking to yourself, or your intuition talking to you and you're hearing it, or somebody else popping in and you're hearing that.
Renee: Ways that Clairaudience can manifest for you.
Renee: One, if you're sensitive to loud noises or you need the quiet to recharge, it could just be a sensory overload.
Renee: Next being you have a connection to music, or you could be a naturally gifted musician or composer or singer or otherwise.
Renee: Again, you're using your voice.
Renee: Other manifestations related to music are if you wake up with a song stuck in your head, or you're out and about and you randomly have a song stuck in your head and you start thinking about the lyrics and realize, oh, whoa, that actually feels like a message.
Renee: And a very quick story I have with that one is I remember back in college, I was in the dining hall and it was ahead of a speech class I was in.
Renee: This was a requirement.
Renee: We all had to take a speech class, which of course, ain't nobody got time.
Renee: We had to memorize two monologues with some sort of polarity between them.
Renee: One of the monologues I picked was from my favorite movie, 500 Days of Summer.
Renee: For those of you who have seen it, it's the part where he's talking about the cards.
Renee: What's wrong with these cards?
Renee: I think we do a bad thing here.
Renee: If you haven't seen it, please go watch the movie.
Renee: I'm sitting there with a couple of my friends.
Renee: We were all in the class together.
Renee: We were all nervous.
Renee: All of a sudden, over the speaker, they had You Make My Dreams Come True, which is a Hall & Oates song, which was prominently featured in that movie.
Renee: And the second the song came on, I heard it and I just completely relaxed.
Renee: That is a good example of I definitely have a connection to music.
Renee: I grew up singing.
Renee: I was in choir, a cappella from third grade all the way through college.
Renee: And then there was this personal connection of this was my favorite movie.
Renee: I was doing a monologue from the movie and then a song featured in that movie comes on.
Renee: And it was very full circle and then made me feel like, okay, I can do this.
Christine: This is very cool.
Christine: And also, you know how to sing.
Christine: Stop it.
Christine: I'm obsessed.
Christine: So I wish I knew how to sing.
Christine: If my mom listens to this podcast, she's going to pee her pants.
Christine: I put myself in chorus in middle school.
Christine: I cannot hold a tune.
Renee: You put yourself in chorus.
Christine: All my chips in for chorus.
Christine: I'm going to be the next Aretha Franklin.
Christine: And I also wonder if this is my Clair audience as well.
Christine: I have an attachment to music.
Christine: I'm just not good at it.
Renee: And that example that I was giving of hearing the right song at the right time, this was several years back, and I got in the car and I just threw my entire phone on shuffle.
Renee: And it was song after song.
Renee: The lyrics in it absolutely were resonating with my situation.
Renee: I was crying on the way home.
Renee: I thought about pulling over because it completely struck a chord, pun intended.
Renee: Every single morning I wake up with a song or multiple songs that just fly right into my head.
Renee: So that's something I do in my morning journaling is I write down whatever is the first song.
Renee: Sometimes I don't even know what the song is.
Renee: I only have a couple lines of the lyrics in my head.
Renee: So I have to Google it and try to figure out what the song is.
Renee: The next one is if you talk to yourself a lot or if as a kid you had an imaginary friend.
Christine: I talk to myself a lot and like out loud.
Christine: I didn't have an imaginary friend and I'm glad you said that because I feel like in a lot of psychic circles, everyone's like, oh, I had an imaginary friend and it turned out to be like Casper the Friendly Ghost.
Renee: And then the last two I have are ear ringing.
Renee: So every time I catch my ears ringing, I stop.
Renee: I wonder what am I doing right now?
Renee: What are we talking about right now?
Renee: Is there something significant?
Renee: But also what I was reading is that sometimes it's just a signal to your body that you're in the process of downloading information.
Renee: The last one is actually hearing an external voice.
Renee: I have two examples of this.
Renee: One of them was I was sleeping on my left side and I heard a voice next to me in my right ear just calling my name a couple times.
Renee: And it completely interrupted the dream I was having and it woke me up.
Renee: And I sat there looking around.
Renee: It's the middle of the night.
Renee: And I felt like this is some sort of a premonition.
Renee: I'm being warned about something.
Renee: So I sat there.
Renee: I checked my phone.
Renee: I was like, did somebody send me a message?
Renee: I waited to see if horror broke out around me or something lit on fire.
Renee: Okay, whoever you are, I'm just going to go back to sleep now.
Renee: I'm not really sure what the message is.
Renee: And my granddad died the next day.
Christine: I did not realize that happened before your grandfather died.
Renee: And then I have another story, which I had to look back in my phone.
Renee: This one, I completely forgot about this.
Renee: I was doing this research and it popped right back into my head.
Renee: July 5th, 2021.
Renee: And we were down the Cape at my grandparents' house upstairs.
Renee: So I was in the bedroom that we usually slept in and I was with my friend Rachel.
Renee: So she and I were standing next to each other and I heard absolute clear as day behind me.
Renee: It's really cold in here.
Renee: And I kind of looked at her and I looked back at where it was coming from, which was as if they were standing between or sitting on one of the beds.
Renee: I'm just staring dumbfounded.
Renee: I was like, I just heard somebody talking.
Renee: I've had many instances of people calling my name, but this one was a full sentence.
Renee: The middle of the day, completely awake in the room with another human being who was not talking.
Christine: I got chills as you told that story.
Renee: Before we even worked our way through the psychic program, I was like, well, I'm definitely claircognizant.
Renee: But the clairaudience stuff, I was like, oh, I don't really relate to that at all.
Renee: And I'm researching it now.
Renee: I'm like, oh my God, I have so many stories.
Christine: Oh God, yeah.
Christine: And I love all of them.
Renee: Finally, we've saved the most common for last.
Renee: Christine, why don't you tell the listeners about clairvoyance?
Christine: No problemo.
Christine: So clairvoyance is where we know through seeing.
Christine: And this is basically our third eye.
Christine: So it's your sixth chakra.
Christine: It's purple on the map if you're looking at a visual of it.
Christine: We receive intuitive messages through colors, symbols, images, dreams.
Christine: Renee brought up Raven.
Christine: The experiences that she has on her TV show are really like how I've experienced clairvoyance in real life.
Christine: One great example of this, and if my personal trainer is listening, I wonder if he's going to remember this moment.
Christine: My trainer is talking to me about like the next exercise we're going to do.
Christine: And I just completely pause and like look to the left.
Christine: And I am now no longer in my physical body, but I am seeing my dry cleaning being delivered at my building.
Renee: Wow.
Christine: And then I close back.
Christine: And I was like, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.
Christine: I just had a vision.
Christine: And literally seconds later, I get a text from my building that my dry cleaning has arrived.
Christine: Wild, right?
Christine: Renee, do you have situations like that also or is it just me?
Renee: I have had that before, but I also feel very compelled to say that's so Christine.
Christine: It is.
Christine: That's so Christine.
Christine: It's a future I can see.
Christine: There's my beautiful singing voice.
Renee: No, I have had that happen before.
Renee: After my granddad had passed, a bunch of us were sitting at my mom's house.
Renee: They were sitting there trying to figure out when it was that he retired.
Renee: Somebody posed the question.
Renee: And suddenly, to my left, I saw clear as day flash and it looked like a younger version of him, like he had darker hair.
Renee: And immediately after, I saw as if it was being written in my mind's eye, .
Renee: So I asked, I'm like, okay, granddad, are you here?
Renee: Are you like sitting next to me right now?
Renee: You're observing the conversation.
Renee: Are you telling me that that's what the answer is?
Renee: And I got an affirmative.
Renee: And I was like, oh my gosh, like he, like I felt like he was sitting next to me.
Renee: And so I said, oh, can I tell them?
Renee: And I got a no.
Renee: My aunt, my mom, my grandmother, my sister, they were going at this for at least a half hour.
Renee: And they were in fits of laughter at some points trying to figure this out.
Renee: They were looking at, well, when did he sell this house?
Renee: Checking on Zillow and all this other stuff.
Renee: Going back and forth, and we're all laughing.
Renee: And I'm sitting there and I just, I kept checking in.
Renee: I was like, so I'm not supposed to tell them.
Renee: So it kept going, kept going, kept going.
Renee: And then they got to a certain point.
Renee: And they actually, my aunt actually said it out loud.
Renee: They did some math.
Renee: And she was saying, I think he might have been .
Renee: So I'm sitting there and I'm like, oh my gosh.
Renee: Like, I'm still not saying anything.
Renee: And like, can I tell them now?
Renee: No.
Renee: He didn't want me to say anything because then that would have deprived everybody of having that experience.
Renee: It was either my mom or my aunt was saying, oh, if dad was here right now, he would have just told us the answer.
Renee: And then another one said, oh, this is so much fun.
Renee: And so when I told them about it a couple of days later, my aunt said to me, yeah, I noticed that you were extra quiet because I wasn't participating because I felt like I wasn't supposed to participate.
Renee: I was supposed to observe and I was supposed to let all of them go.
Christine: How beautiful.
Christine: Thank you for sharing.
Christine: Just as a disclaimer for the listeners out there, if you ever get a reading and something happens that wasn't disclosed in your reading, know that it doesn't mean your psychic is not good.
Christine: Information wasn't meant for you just yet.
Christine: And I think that's a really beautiful example of if they had the information, they would not have had the beautiful experience.
Christine: Those who are clairvoyant tend to be visual learners or do a visual walkthrough of things or events.
Christine: I do this a lot.
Christine: Actually, when I used to take tests and I couldn't remember an answer, I would go into my mind's eye, not knowing this is what I was doing, and mentally like open the book that I was studying and find the page that the answer was on.
Christine: And people have asked if I have an didactic memory.
Christine: And if you know me, no, I lose things all the time.
Christine: I can't remember a lot of things.
Christine: But for some reason, if I need to retrieve information, I can walk back to something that did happen and then find it.
Christine: Two more things, vivid dreaming.
Christine: So if you dream in color and you remember your dreams, which we obviously do, that's a sign of clairvoyance.
Christine: And also, Renee touched on this before, but seeing something out of the corner of your eye and then you kind of like look back and it's not there.
Tips to Develop The Intuitive Clairs
Renee: Finally, we're going to go over some recommendations for how our listeners, that's you, can get in touch with the different Clairs.
Christine: Something you can do is keep a dream journal, try lucid dreaming, or set an intention before bed.
Christine: So sometimes I will say, you know, show me X before bed or I have something on my mind.
Christine: Can you give me a sign in my dream?
Christine: If you've made a request before you go to sleep, write down whatever happens in the dream.
Christine: If it doesn't make sense at that moment, it might make sense sometime later.
Christine: Another thing that I find really helpful is physical activity to bring you back into your body after you've gotten some sort of a message.
Christine: That could be yoga, strength training, a walk, a walk in nature so you can combine two of those things.
Christine: I find that taking a shower or taking a bath really resets me.
Christine: I don't know if it's the physical sensation of water, but it just, it transports my body back into itself.
Christine: Feel into your body.
Christine: Feel like what's tight, what hurts.
Christine: Is there an emotion there?
Christine: Give that emotion a color.
Christine: Imagine it leaving your body and going back into the earth.
Christine: Teresa Caputo, who's the Long Island medium.
Christine: I've heard her say this in her readings.
Christine: To people who are sensitive, when you feel an energy and you're not sure if it's yours or not, to repeat, be gone, you are not of me.
Christine: And eventually the energy does leave and it has worked for me.
Christine: And then like baking or a mindless project or even art.
Christine: I, after some of my readings, I do collages just to get out whatever else is in there.
Renee: You can also journal, such as free writing.
Renee: You can ask your guides to actually share messages through each of these Clairs.
Renee: Or work with them one at a time if you're looking to develop a certain Clair.
Renee: And the most important thing is to trust yourself when messages come through.
Renee: Track them and ask for signs to validate.
Renee: The more you do this, the more you work the muscle, the more will happen for you, the stronger the ability will get.
Renee: We can speak to that from personal experience.
Renee: Let's talk about what we've learned this week.
Renee: I'll start.
Renee: I have a quick list to rattle off.
Renee: These are some fun facts, more fun than our last episode.
Renee: One, it's borderline impossible to find slippers at the mall.
Renee: Don't try it, just buy it online.
Renee: Number two, to prevent food from sticking to stainless steel pans, except for eggs, you have to heat it fully first before adding oil.
Renee: And number three, sometimes even if you're feeling off or down, if a friend calls, you should answer the phone.
Christine: I mean, I love those.
Christine: It's like true life advice.
Renee: I know.
Christine: Mine is a little more tinfoil hatty.
Christine: This was specific for GM, but other companies were doing this too.
Christine: GM was selling third party data to LexisNexis, which basically knew every time you were speeding, you short stopped, you didn't stop.
Christine: So all of these things were being taken into account and people's insurance was going up because they didn't know that their data was A, being tracked, and B, being sold to the insurance companies.
Christine: So part of me is like, we're human.
Christine: You can't treat us like computers.
Renee: You could say, oh, I'm a good driver because I didn't get into accidents.
Renee: But if you're someone who chronically is driving miles an hour, weaving through cars on the highway, unless there's a cop there or somebody calls and reports you, you're never going to get found out.
Renee: So you can continue to drive in an unsafe way.
Renee: I think that there's merit to that piece.
Renee: But it's about the informed consent.
Christine: Somebody in the story gave an example that they were driving and they stopped short because our herd of deer appeared in front of their car.
Christine: And some people are opted into this knowingly because it gives you that safe driver discount.
Christine: That's kind of how all of this started.
Christine: But if you were unknowingly opted in and you just continued driving, you could be a little upset.
Renee: Yeah, no kidding.
Christine: Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Christine: We're going to jump into our channeled messages for today for The Collective.
Christine: Renee, do you want to go first?
Renee: What I saw first was a very large bone mixing in a bowl of blue water.
Renee: Then I got the quote from Jack in the Beanstalk, I'll grind his bones to make my bread.
Renee: And then I got pulled away from that image and it was like somebody off to the side, waving papers at me, over here, over here.
Renee: And then I see a flip book.
Renee: The image in the flip book was a boy filling water from a well like Jack and Jill.
Renee: And then I got the line from the musical Into the Woods, which is nice is different than good.
Renee: So I'm like, all right, I am full blown in a fairy tale situation.
Renee: And for anyone who's seen that musical, that's the premise of it.
Renee: It's all of these fairy tale characters interacting with each other.
Renee: What all of the above means is to not get caught up in the mundane or fear and anxiety mindsets, because you are on the right path.
Renee: And the analogy here is, even though Little Red Riding Hood gets eaten by the wolf, she finds her way out and she doesn't let herself get metaphorically swallowed by it, because in the story she gets literally swallowed by the wolf.
Renee: She comes out stronger and she has more baked goods.
Renee: So then the the mantra I was getting here was, it was really more of the recommendation for people to specifically go back and listen to that song.
Renee: The song is called I Know Things Now from the Into the Woods soundtrack.
Renee: You can listen to Broadway, you can listen to the movie version, or if you feel so compelled, you can watch the whole film.
Renee: I do recommend.
Renee: I'll turn it over to you, Christine, but I did think it was pretty funny that I got a song come in when we had a portion of this episode discussing Clairaudience and music.
Christine: Wild.
Christine: I also had a song in my reading.
Christine: I didn't see anything.
Christine: I just kept hearing the song, ooh, child, things are going to get easier and I'll save you the singing.
Christine: So this digital space scape is there again, but it looks like it has crumbled.
Christine: Initially, like shock, like, oh my God, what are we going to do?
Christine: And then like seconds later, we realized that we can rebuild and we almost have a sense of relief about the fact that we're able to rebuild.
Christine: And then the image starts to continue and everyone, instead of looking at the digital space scape, sort of looks at each other and it's like, all right, like we can build this back and we can build it back better.
Christine: And like this is going to suck because we're starting from scratch.
Christine: Everybody is getting along and having fun and bonding over this.
Christine: I know I feel this way right now because I feel like things are changing for me, right?
Christine: I'm trying out a new career.
Christine: So my old career crumbled, but I'm building back something better.
Christine: You might feel something similar in a different part of your life.
Christine: So the mantra that I got is that things will get easier.
Christine: It's going to be better and it's going to be more in alignment with who you are.
Christine: And once you've like gotten over this hurdle, you're going to feel so happy that this actually happened.
Renee: I know people are going to hear this later, but right now that message completely resonates with how I've been feeling.
Christine: Thanks for listening.
Renee: If you'd like to learn more, the resources we used to prepare for this episode are listed in the show notes.
Christine: You can reach me, Christine, @channeledbychristine with one L on Instagram.
Renee: And you can reach me, Renee, @_readbyrenee.
Renee: Or connect with both of us via email at synergytosynastry@gmail.com.
Renee: Keep your spirit curious and your aura sparkling.
Christine: We'll see you on the stars next to the line.
Christine: Holy guacamole, why was it so hard to speak today?
Christine: I could not get a word out if my life depended on it.
Renee: We have enough material here for our own blooper reel.
Renee: Actually, should we make one?
Christine: Something you can do is keep a dream...
Christine: Why do you stream a hard word?
Christine: And then you can start making...
Christine: What the hell was that?
Christine: Renee and I actually have a really great idea we want to share...
Christine: Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Christine: All right, I'm going to start again.
Renee: If you've been playing...
Renee: If you've been playing...
Christine: I'm so sorry.
Renee: I'm ready.
Renee: I'm ready.
Christine: Where did the thoughts go?
Christine: They all just like left my head.
Christine: Okay.
Renee: That actually isn't a good example.
Renee: Oh, that's why I said it.
Renee: Oh, my gosh, I need to read.
Renee: Starting over again.
Christine: Situation, a person, et cetera.
Christine: Let me say that again.
Renee: I talk and then my sentence just vanishes.
Renee: Sorry.
Renee: Gosh, I really can't talk today.
Renee: Wait, am I talking about Claircognizance?
Renee: Oh, no, that was right.
Renee: It was you.
Renee: Okay, I'm good.
Renee: I just doubted myself and I went, those aren't my notes.
Renee: Okay.
Renee: We're in shambles.
Renee: You know what it is?
Renee: Mercury's in retrograde, almost.
Christine: Oh, yeah, no, we're in the shade.
Renee: I accidentally just elbowed my desk.
Renee: It's a moving, it's a standing desk.
Renee: So I hit the button and it started dropping.
Renee: It was going to crush me.
Renee: Okay.
Christine: Very dramatic on this show we are.
Renee: Apparently, we're having all sorts of hijinks today.
Christine: Okay, I'm going to come close my mouth.
Christine: I can't look at you.
Christine: I'm just going to move my...
Christine: That's it.
