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Monthly Channeled Message - August 2024

Read by Renee's channeled message for the August 2024 about finding grounding by looking up at the stars and clouds to gain perspective.

Read the Entire Channeled Message:

I see the collective (i.e. you) shattering a mirror and reaching out to pick up a piece. In looking down there's blood in the palm of the hand upon contact that quickly fades out of sight. You hold the mirror shard towards yourself but are unable to see a reflection. When asking why, I hear it's because "you're an echo of yourself" or "you're echoing yourself." Essentially, you're grappling with your inner world too much. There's an abrupt pivot to visuals inside of a house of mirrors fun house, where the reflection repeats to infinity. There's a desire to leap into that space, keep running and searching endlessly in the infinite space, and to expand. And yet, it's an illusion.

The focus this month of August is to find grounding in the stars (rather than the earth oddly enough!). In doing so, you can embody that desire to chase wonder but in a more nuanced way where you trick your mind into the thought exercise of gaining perspective. Think about it... if you take a few months each day or night to look up at the sky and really study the clouds or the stars, you can't help but feel small -- in a good way! Let your mind wander and find shapes in the stars and clouds, question what truly matters in The Now, and think beyond yourself. Consider how many people are looking up at the sky doing the very same thing in those exact moments. Let your imagination run, skip, and float into the ether. Trust that you're exactly where you're meant to be.


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